
College Admissions Essay: The Attainable Future

Decent Essays

Since my early years, I have been infatuated with business and making money. At the age of eight, my grandmother gave me a computer for Christmas. So, I began writing books and started my own publishing company. I wrote a series of books and marketed them to my entire family. Using colored pencils, I created postcards and addressed them to every relative in my family and successfully sold books. Next thing I knew, I found myself hiring my cousin as my illustrator. It was apparent to me and my family that I was mesmerized with business as I ended up firing my cousin as her work wasn’t up to my standards. By the time I was ten, I started my own bakery business called "Jason's Cakes." With the help of my mother, I made cupcakes, cookies, and fudge …show more content…

As President, I started several new initiatives like our muscular dystrophy association fundraiser and interactive stock market game. In addition, I was a sectional champion and state finalist in the marketing and management category. In high school, I was selected to participate in the Downers Grove Township’s attainable futures business leadership program where I worked cooperatively with area business leaders. The Attainable Futures program was a great experience because I learned valuable lessons about networking and how to be an effective business leader. In the future, I hope to utilize the tools gained from studying at a place like University of Illinois and better society in some way. The possibilities with a degree from the University of Illinois are endless and the alumni base will surely help me succeed in the future. Someday, I hope to own my own business that will leave a positive impact on society. Whatever my business may be, I will work hard to ensure that it is a well-run business that services the community in a variety of ways. In the end, I hope to utilize my University of Illinois degree to its maximum potential in order to leave a positive impact on

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