
College Admissions Essay: Robot Reminiscence In Middle School

Decent Essays

Robot Reminiscence
It feels as though summer break has lasted only a few short days. Where did the time go? I anxiously await for my class schedule to arrive in the mail. It’s the last week of summer and almost my first week of middle school. My sister may have prepared me for some of the challenges that lay ahead, as she is two years my senior, and has experienced two years of middle school more than I. However, she has yet to display any involvement in any extracurricular activities, clubs or sports. This is where I yearn to set myself apart from my sister, although, I have not decided, nor am I aware of what might spark any interest in my youthful mind. Nevertheless, I will still attempt to seek involvement in an extracurricular activity. The first three weeks of middle school have gone on interminably. I am situated in all of my classes and have endured all of the vexatious ice-breaker welcoming …show more content…

Through robotics and various engineering competitions. I have enhanced my ability to work well with others, my time management skills, my responsibility, and a few other useful attributes. Hopefully these traits will allow me to succeed in life and excel alongside my peers. Not only will I carry these valuable traits with me for the rest of my life, but through engineering, I have met and will meet many people that share the same interests as me. And we all have the same goal, to solve problems through engineering. STEM will also effectively decide which post-secondary institutes I would like to study at, the income levels I would like to achieve, as well as the positions I would like to hold in my future job. Something as simple as middle school orientation, has essentially decided who I am going to be.
It has been said that technology will take over the world. Yet, it has already taken over my world. Essentially all of my long-term goals have been decided by one short

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