
College Admissions Essay: Leading The Future Doctor

Decent Essays

Leading The Future Doctors
My motivation for furthering my education is to become a doctor. I feel obligated to be a doctor because I love knowing things about the human body and how they various parts work together. In addition, I want to be a doctor is because I love working with kids. I am a people person and especially children, which is something we the public needs more of in the medical community. More doctors that truly care about. I believe posses what it takes to do the job. Furthermore, I have watched many of my family members struggle with their finances due to the lack of job stability and I intend to carry on a different financial future . My parents have taught me getting a college degree will be my way out of struggling with finances. A college degree is something that no one can take away from me. I want to be able to help my family and community to be more financially stable by helping them learn how to increase their wealth. The next reason why is for young girls who live in small foreign countries outside of the United States and do not have the opportunity to get an education. I am doing it for them because they are not given the chance too. Another reason that I am pursuing an …show more content…

I plan on paying for my higher education through scholarships, and having a job. I do not plan on taking out any loans until I attend medical school. My parents are hard working people and have many other things on their plate and I do not want to add something else to their plate. It is my education, therefore it is more responsibility to pay for it. Becoming a doctor means I will have to go through a lot of school. This why it is essential for me to receive scholarships this way I can take out the least amount of loans necessary to pay for my education. My career goals are to become a doctor, then start a program to help the generations after

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