
College Admission Essay

Decent Essays

I’ve always been interested in the field of medicine. When I was being born, I almost died, being saved only by the ingenuity of a Nurse Day for whom my middle name is dedicated to. Above all else, I want to have an impact on the quality of life for others, and I think the University of Pennsylvania is one of, if not the, best ways to do that. Its bioengineering department is consistently ranked to be the most rigorous in the field, and I can handle rigor. Given that the vast majority of bioengineering undergraduates at UPenn take part in independent research and that many go on to publish their findings, the tools to excel at UPenn are readily available, and I plan to excel. I find this, more than anything else, to be why I find UPenn to be so appealing. The ability for and even the encouragement of undergraduate students to follow their own path, to design their own trials, and to even publish their results is very captivating to me. …show more content…

I consider my extracurriculars to be just as integral to my intellectual identity as my academic courses. Debate skills, to me, are beneficial, even necessary, in almost every facet of life, and I can’t imagine not joining the debate team at my high school or not continuing my involvement in college. I never considered myself to be a particularly outspoken person, so It came as a surprise to me when I saw myself joining my high school’s Speech & Debate team in a sleep-deprived haze. I’m sure that a small part of my brain was aiming for self-improvement, but the majority just needed some more sleep. Almost immediately, I was thrust into a world of moral frameworks, weighing mechanisms, and judging paradigms. I was overwhelmed and confused, but I loved every moment of it. The University of Pennsylvania’s Speech and Debate Team has a history of success, doing extremely well in national circuits. I want to continue growing as a debater and a person, and it’s hard to imagine a better place than at

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