
Cognitive Behavior Therapy ( Cbt )

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Cognitive Behaviour Theory Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a common practice throughout many countries including Canada, United States, China, Japan, Germany and the Netherlands. However many people do not know what CBT is and how it is used. According to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota it describes Cognitive Behaviour therapy as a form of psychotherapy that with the help of a therapist or psychotherapist, allows you to become aware of inaccurate or negative thinking with the purpose that you can challenge situations in a clear and effective way. Also it is considered a helpful tool in treating mental disorders such as depression or anxiety. Despite success with CBT for many people across the worlds, the same success has not been …show more content…

One of the main reasons for this is the fact that CBT focusses on the here and the now, rather than focusing experiences that led you to this point in your life. In addition it usually focusses solely on the mental aspect of life usually disregarding the aspects of life such as the spiritual and emotional. Which are two major aspect of indigenous cultures in healing as shown by the medicine wheel. This has led to people questioning the adaptability of CBT and how it continues to ignore the needs of indigenous people. But that was proven wrong by an experiment done in Sydney Australia by the Australian Psychological Society (APS). The purpose of this experiment was to find what elements are perceived to be effective and what adaptions need to be made to CBT. In this experiment it found out that elements that perceived to be useful are that it is highly adaptable because it can be given in high intensity (on-to-one) or low intensity forms (online, mobile, internet-based, guided self-help). This was important to note because of the fact that many indigenous people live in remote communities and lack services to come in, on a regular basis. As well, this study has interviewed many native people who either patients or psychologist and have come up with solutions to make CBT more adaptive to indigenous people. Their solutions include, training native people to help limit the language/cultural barrier, stressing the importance of doing therapy in

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