
Coffee Farmers In America

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The improved transportation system benefited every individual involved in the production processes. The road system reduced the commute to market and back, increased traffic levels meant more frequent buses, and access to other infrastructures. Although the implementation of roads benefited virtually the entire population of Honduras, the benefits of coffee was not. Survey conducted in the early 1900 confirms that many households participated in the coffee plantations. However, not many of them were seen as “coffee farmers” in the eyes of the municipal as it required them to plant approximately 0.33 ha in order to receive benefits as a coffee farmer. The data collected in 1997 suggest that approximately 20% of the farmers in La Campa received benefits as coffee farmer by becoming a member in the Honduran Association of Coffee Producers (AHPROCAFE) which included: disseminates, information, access to credit, distribution and road maintenance.
Meaning in Society: Values, Imaginative Geography
Coffee has been popularized in the Global North as it contains caffeine and consumers favour the high productivity effect from drinking …show more content…

The fact that they are smallholders already differentiates 49th Parallel Coffee Roasters from coffee giants such as Folgers. By the fact that the packaging gives details about the region within a particular country, I believe that the consumers feel more ethical purchasing the commodity, and adds on to the imagined geography of Latin America. Especially since the retailers have beans from different country, region of various sizes, the commodity is perceived as ‘“authentic” to that particular origin. Furthermore, the retailers provide extra details about the producer on their website, which produces an effect that the commodity is unique to that region and from this retailers, as they roast it

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