
Coca-Cola Wars

Decent Essays

Michael Porter’s “5-Forces Analysis” is a comprehensive way of determining organizations profitability as compared to its competitors in the same industry by looking at 5 forces of stress. Coca-Cola deals with a lot of pressure in the concentrate business, most specifically with Pepsi. I will analyze the 5 forces model to determine Coca-Colas overall profitability.
The 5 forces model begins by looking at rivalry between established competitors. Coca-Cola has a direct rivalry with Pepsi in the fact that they make and distribute an almost identical product used for the same purposes. Because the concentrate industry, or the CSD (carbonated soft drink) industry, is dominated by Coke and Pepsi, their prices tend to be alike and the …show more content…

The threat of substitutes has increased for companies such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi due to the increased concern of health. The concentrate companies have reacted by coming out with Diet versions which have been hugely successful. The concentrate business has done very well with staying abreast of emerging trends by creating their own substitutes using their powerful name (such as water, tea, sports drinks, etc.).
To determine what these 5 forces mean in terms of the concentrate industries future profitability, I took a look at the industry’s recent levels of profitability as well as the competition between Coca-Cola and Pepsi and determined their overall profitability using their current structures.
The U.S. Beverage Industry is compromised of concentrates including CSD’s, beer, milk, bottled water, coffee, juices, tea, sports drinks, powdered drinks, wine and distilled spirits. The consumption trends of CSD’s more than doubled from 1970 to 1990 and continued to steadily rise well into 2000. Although very small, beginning in 2000 there was a slight drop in consumption followed by another minuscule drop in 2002-2004. Although the change is slight and is not cause for alarm at this point, it does fit in with the changing environment of the industry. More and more choices are being introduced into the marketplace as well as changes in consumer behavior (dieting, changing preferences, etc.). These changes give reason to the slight

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