Elsie is a 42 year old Caucasian female with a diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder and severe alcohol use disorder. Elsie is divorced and currently living with her mother, but the relationship is very strained. A domestic dispute that turned physical with her mother resulted in police intervention where she was arrested and charged. She also admits to being physically abusive to her ex-husband as well. She is very angry at her mother and says her mother is abusive both verbally and physically, and the reason why she has so many problems. She has had numerous legal issues and several DUI’s over the years for which she served a prison sentence two years ago. Elsie attended the Repeat DUI Offender Program through Gulf Coast Mental Health (GCMH) at the beginning of 2014. Elsie is non-compliant to medication and therapy, and uses manipulation and aggression with every therapist she has had since coming to GCMH in …show more content…
Elsie was not diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder but diagnosed with another that is also under cluster B personality disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), histrionic personality disorder (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Elsie is not able to achieve intimacy, including same sex friends or romantic partners, and spends most of her time alone except for when she is interacting with her mother, with this interaction often negative. She also is attention seeking and exaggerated in displaying her emotions, with her range of emotions rapidly vacillating. Often she displays temper tantrums, rage, or bouts of what appears to be crying, though there are no tears. She is very meticulous about her appearance, wearing designer clothes and bright red lipstick which a typical manifestation of cluster B personality disorders (APA,
Presenting Problem: She has a hx of multiple failed placements and relates being placed in the programs for her substance abuse, anger and aggression. She has 2 past suicide attempmts one from an attempted hanging and the other from attempting to jump off a building. She reported feeling homicidal 7-8 times against her stepfather. Rhonda reported physical and emotional abuse from maternal uncle and incidents of sexual assault btwn the ages of 6 and 12.
Her legal history includes three intake contacts. None of the intake contacts were for felony offenses against another person. She has no history of escape. She has had one juvenile detention confinement and no out of home placements.
Claireece P. Jones is female, African American. She is 16 years old. She was born and raised in Harlem, New York. She lived in low income housing with her mother. She has been sexually abused by father starting when she was 3 years old. Client’s father impregnated her at the age of 13. The client gave birth to a baby girl who has Down Syndrome. The bay i snow three and has been raised by client’s grandmother since birth. At 16 the client became impregnated again by father. Gave birth to a baby boy that has no known medical concerns in January 2017. Client moved into halfway house 4 days after giving birth. She has been living at the halfway home since she left her abusive mother. Client’s mother has attempted to
Ms. Christina Earp entered the Hope Now Program on 07/23/2015. She was recently transferred to a new therapist as of 09/21/2015. She entered on my caseload with a behavioral contract; this was a result of multiple negative write ups on 09/18/2015 disregard to staff’s directive, verbal intimidation towards staff, utilizing profanity and smoking. Ms. Earp expressed that the behaviors were a result of not having her prescribed medication. The contract ended on 10/22/2015. She is on level two of the program. Since then no negative behaviors have been exhibited. Ms. Earp is engaging in the group dynamics and fully discloses background history to comprehend her patterns of substance addiction. She is attending individual and group therapy session
The victim was court ordered to be admitted at the Specialized Treatment Facility by Harrison County Youth Court on 04/27/16; he will be admitted for six months and the expected discharge date is 10/27/16. The reporter stated John was has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, ADHD, marijuana abuse, mood disorder, severe mood swings, disruptive behavior, border line dyslectual disorder, basic personality disorder, mental incompetance; John is unable to function on his age level and has a very low IQ; John is unable to read, write, and count. Mr. Young stated John will never be able to live on his own and will always need assistance. During a session with John on 04/28/16, he disclosed that his father punched him in the face but that the details
RCG Rose Campos reports no health problems. Ms. Campos also reported that she has had no problems with Elijah at home. However, I am concerned that Elija is not safe in his present home with, the maternal grandmother due to Austin’s behavior. Ms. Campos reports no physical harm to Elijah by Austin, but Elijah has witnessed Austin’s violent and abusive behavior to Ms. Campos. I am concerned about Austin’s exposure to this violent and abusive behavior to his grandmother.
She has numerous reported incidents of becoming verbally and physically aggressive and out of control. She appears to have a very low frustration level coupled with a lack of impulse control and coping skills.
Susie Jones is a 9-year-old African American female who lives with her mother and two younger siblings, (John, age 3, Debbie, age 2) in Waterford MI. Susie is currently in the third grade and in special education. Ms. Jones stated that Susie is physically aggressive with her siblings. Susie stated she has self-harming behavior such as choking herself when experiencing feelings of frustration. Susie’s father is not present in her life. Susie’s father is not present because Ms. Jones found out that Susie was sexually abused by her aunt’s boyfriend while in her father’s care. Susie’s sexual abuse included “oral sex” however no penetration. Her aunt’s boyfriend was not prosecuted and CPS was not involved. Susie was a witness to domestic violence against her mother by her mother’s former fiancé. Due to domestic violence in the home, Susie was removed from her mother’s care for a year and returned to her mother in 2009.
Today is November seventeenth, this will be the first meeting with my new client Jill. She has an extensive criminal background due to the fact that she was caught shoplifting and under the influence on several occasions. At a later date, Jill was given a court date and failed to make an appearance. As a result of her failing to attend her court case, a warrant for her arrest was dispatched. Shortly after Jill’s warrant for her arrest was sent out she was caught speeding on Route eighty by a state trooper who then pulled Jill over. When, the officer scanned her license he discovered Jill 's warrant for arrest. On further inspection of Jill’s vehicle, the officer detected that she was in possession of various illegal substances and was then suspected of her herself being overwhelmingly intoxicated by such substances. Consequently, Jill was apprehended due to there being a warrant for her arrest in addition to her possession of drugs. As a result, of Jill being caught by the officer she has been forcefully stationed into the PHP program (Partial Hospitalization program). Which she will be spending half of her day counseling with various social workers such as myself. Meanwhile, the remainder of her day will be spent attending school under close supervision. If Jill refuses to make an appearance to these mandatory meetings there will be severe repercussions. Failure to attend will have her imprisoned in a juvenile detention center until she is of legal age to be relocated to a
Client is experiencing symptoms congruent with Bipolar I Disorder. Client has experienced delusions and has a tendency to engage in all or nothing thinking. Client is attempting to move forward following an assault charge, arrest, and prolonged 8-month stay in a psychiatric hospital where he obtained long-term inpatient care. Client reports intensity and tension at home due to his dichotomous
After reading Amanda’s case study, I believe this 22 year old college student would fall under the “dramatic” personality disorder cluster. This diagnostic category includes antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders. These personality disorders display dramatic, emotional or erratic behaviors causing difficulty in having giving and satisfying relationships. I believe that Amanda displays behaviors and symptoms that are most like borderline and histrionic personality behaviors.
Background information: Sally Sue is a white female in her mid-nineties residing in an apt with her boyfriend. Pt has an ongoing struggles with hallucinations for many years. Pt was admitted to SBBH involuntarily. APS is involved because of the phone calls that she made to the police officers. Pt has received therapeutic treatments in the past. Pt does have legal matters. Recently, pt went to court to get her days extended for longer treatment. Her barrier to treatment is she can hardly hear. Her major source of income is her social security. Her strengths is verbal and motivated for treatment. Her weaknesses
The client is a 14-year-old Hispanic female in a residential substance abuse treatment rehabilitation center. The client participated in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy anger management group. The client was admitted to the residential program in July of 2016 for her cannabis use. She was referred by Drug Court due to her failure to comply with the program rules. The client has a past of domestic violence and defiant behavior towards her mother and not abiding by curfew.
Regina George is a sixteen-year-old Caucasian female. She is a junior at North Shore High School, and comes a very wealthy family. Regina is in great physical health and participates in sports at her school. She is known as the meanest girl at her school, which allows her to reign as the “queen bee” of her clique, the Plastics, and of her school. Regina suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder, which is a Cluster B Personality Disorder, classified by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fifth Edition.
Treatment methods for personality disorders have proven to be extremely difficult in recent years. Though not futile, personality disorder treatments must be tailored to the individual’s needs so there is no specific therapy or medication that can actually solve all mental abnormalities. As Butcher, Hooley, and Mineka (2014) state, the enduring, pervasive, and inflexible patterns of a client’s behavior make personality disorders relatively hard to treat. As such, treatment methods have different goals due to the complex nature of a client’s inner experiences (Butcher, Hooley, & Mineka, 2014). Goals of treatment aim towards reducing subjective distress, altering specific dysfunctional behaviors,