
Clothing And Make-Up In Edward Scissorhands

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Edward Scissorhands, directed by Tim Burton is a story about a monster (or outsider) who enters into the so called peaceful neighbourhood and disturbs the calm. the message of isolation and alienation is shown through the colour, costume/makeup and setting that are used through the film.
The costume and make-up in “Edward Scissorhands” is used generate feeling and emotions in the audience. There are major differences in what Edward wears and looks like and what the humans wear and look like. The costumes guide the audience in to thinking what kind of characters the people are and will turn out to be like. The town’s people are dressed in a typical 1950’s style. This makes them look very simplistic in their ways, on the outside. The women’s clothes are very bright and overly colourful. The colours used generate the view that the townspeople are all very normal, and everything appears to be alright on the outside. The make-up on the women accents and highlights their look. The houses are also very bright and false looking, almost like doll houses. Edward, in contrast, is dressed in dark clothes. The make-up used on him makes his skin look very pale, very ghostly and pasty. His clothes are …show more content…

The first time colour is used is when the grandma is telling the story of Edward Scissorhands to the little girl in the oversized bed. Visually, this scene is reminiscent of fairy tales and is another means used by Burton to indicate the purpose of his story. The two worlds are contrasted visually by the use of colour, the kitsch pastel colours and uniform shapes of the suburban houses differing completely from the black and white of the derelict castle. The suburban world is apparently perfect with its cloudless blue sky, spotless houses, well-kept gardens and stereotypical inhabitants who are contrasted with the imperfection of the 'unfinished' Edward

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