
Clinical Rotation Essay

Decent Essays

Step 1: Identifying your Emotions The first step in your decision-making process is to identify the emotions and perceptions that you develop towards the experiences you go through in medical school (for the sake of this chapter, I will be referring to your clinical rotations as your primary experiences, because they are very likely to influence your career decisions). Are these emotions positive? Are they negative? To help you do that, I have collated the following 17 questions that you can ask yourself as you reflect on your experience in any of your rotations: 1. During this rotation, have I felt that I was insignificant and replaceable? 2. During this rotation, have I felt that my contributions are not needed nor appreciated? 3. During …show more content…

During this rotation, have I felt that the residents teaching me were disrespectful to me or disrespectful in general? 5. During this rotation, have I felt that there was no one I could look up to as a role model? 6. During this rotation, have I felt that I was intimidated by a faculty member? 7. During this rotation, have I felt that I was intimidated by the fact that my inexperience could have led to a problem in patient care? 8. During this rotation, have I felt that I was not well supported (educationally or mentoring wise)? 9. During this rotation, have I felt that there was not enough use of technology and there was more that could have been done for the patient? 10. During this rotation, have I felt that there was a need to listen more to patients and this was not something I was willing to do? 11. During this rotation, have I felt that the patients tended to be less respectful of faculty members compared to other rotations? 12. During this rotation, have I felt that the nurses tended to be less respectful of the house staff or faculty members compared to other rotations? 13. During this rotation, have I felt that the nurses tended to be intimidated by the house staff or faculty members compared to other

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