
Climate Change and Its Effects on White Water Rafting

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Climate Change and its effects of White water rafting
Parker Blackstock
ADVG 101


Nov 24/2012

Angela Bueckert

With the rising effects of Global warming taking its toll on glaciers and agriculture in British Columbia, surprisingly the white water rafting industry has managed to grow significantly in the last 20 years. As the global temperature continues to rise, it is predicted that the Glaciers will be reduced to nothing, thus taking its effect on water flow. British Columbia has seen it’s average temperature rise twice as fast as the global average. For rafting companies, this means shorter paddling season and flooding. “Average annual temperatures have warmed by between 0.5-1.7 degrees Celsius in different regions …show more content…

With the plan to be an international Raft Guide, the majority of my clientele will be travelers from Europe and North America, mainly English speaking. But with the rise of Asian tourists in Canada soon there will be a large minority of the travelers in British Columbia and around Canada.
As the Global temperature continues to rise, North, Central and South America have experienced numerous catastrophic weather related events. These include, heavy rainfall in Venezuela (1999, 2005), flooding in Argentina (2000), drought in the Brazilian Amazon (2005), Hailstorms in Greater Buenos Aires area and Bolivia (2002,2005) and hurricane Katrina in 2004. Fortunately British Columbia has not been exposed to as many catastrophic events but is still at risk to floods, heat waves, drought, infectious disease vectors, diarrhoel diseases, ground-level ozone and cold waves. These events have affected the tourism industry in many ways, but will only get worse with the rising frequency of these events. The issue at hand is not only the rising vulnerability of these catastrophic events but also the reduction of Glaciers in the Andean, costal and Rockies, which provide many communities with water. Once these rivers dry up, many of these rafting companies will have to close down because there business is built around the river. “As a

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