
Climate Change On Coral Reefs

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The impacts that climate change has on coral reefs is very concerning. The increase in sea temperatures is causing the coral reefs to become bleached. When a coral becomes bleached it causes them to expel the algae, leaving the corals white. Bleached corals results in many negative effects. When a coral is bleached they have reduced growth rates, the species that depend on them are affected, and there is a decline in coral reef protection from shorelines. The devastating impacts that climate change has on coral reefs are unpredictable to the sea and the ecosystem. It is a very unfortunate event that the rise in sea temperatures are causing these devastating impacts on coral reefs.
A Synthesis of Selected Literature on The Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reefs
This is an explanatory synthesis on the impacts of climate change on coral reefs. Climate change is affecting coral reefs in a negative way. Due to the increase of sea temperatures, coral reefs are becoming bleached. When a coral reef becomes it causes them to expel the algae, leaving the corals white1,2,3,4. In the essay, “A framework for understanding Climate Change Impacts on Coral Reefs” by Joshua Clinner (2016), he addresses that when coral reefs become bleached they have reduced growth rates. The article, “Five Species We Stand to Lose if Coral Reefs are Destroyed and What You Can Do About it” by Jenna Bardroof (2014), emphasizes that coral bleaching is a serious threat to coral colonies and specific mammals

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