
Climate Change And Ocean Level Rise And Its Effects On Coastal Societies

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Climate Change and Ocean Level Rise and their effects
Michael Estrada
Florida Atlantic University
July 19, 2015

Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………….4
Climate Change…………………………………………………………………………………4
Melting of Greenland and the Arctic and its effects on the Ecosystem…………………………4
Ocean level rise and its effects on Coastal Societies………………………………………….....5

Introduction For years now people have acknowledged that there have been shifts in our climate that have affected the ecosystem. People refer …show more content…

What humanity faces from the ramifications of this issue is immense. This research article will seek to convey and articulate if climate change has affected the rise of ocean levels, and if so what are the detrimental affects on coastal communities. This article will also reveal what specific regions and events that are happening that are elevating ocean level rise. The objective of this research article is to inform people about the plight that humanity has found itself in and how to prevent ecological damage and along with that prepare for the coming tide.

Literature Review
Climate Change Due to the immense anthropogenic release of green house carbon emissions into the atmosphere, there has been and will be major detrimental effects on human resources and the ecosystem. For example, by the middle of the 21stcentury, River runoff will increase by 40% in northern latitudes and also in a few tropical areas, while in dry regions it will decrease by 30%. Some of these tropical areas have already reported and are experiencing water droughts that will only get worse (Gillman 2008). In addition, if temperatures continue to increase to 1.8-5.4 degrees, food productivity and resources will be affected. When the temperatures reach the lower latitudes of what is predicted, there will be a slight increase in food productivity for a little while. However, when the temperatures reach the higher end of the latitudes, food productivity will

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