
Classification Essay Running

Decent Essays

There are many kinds of runners throughout the running community, but the most distinguishable of these types are the Overly Dedicated, the Average Runner, and the #runner. All of these types help to create the great diversity of runners with their distinctive qualities and their imaginative views towards the running world.

Starting with the most fanatical of the bunch the Overly Dedicated comes into play. These runners are clothed in every piece of equipment from high-tech electronic gear to the newest shock resistant footwear. The masses of specialized gear that inhabit this runner mainly consist of top of the line clothing. This runner is even physically different from the others with their muscular, athletic physique. The Overly Dedicated …show more content…

These runners run just for fun or to pass the time between meet days. These runners live for meet days and it by far is their favorite day of the week. The rest of their week they spend preparing for this day. They usually run about five miles every practice, but never more than 10. They try to weight train and carbo load on the days leading up to meet day, but their intense desire to eat everything in their path usually ends up defeating the plan. They are team players and need others to help them keep going. They take many aspects of what the team does very seriously and lose all ambition when having to anything by themselves. The Average Runner is commonly surrounded by others of their kind being that 90% of their friend group consists of other runners and most of them are on the same team or running group as they are. They consider the act of running to be one of their hobbies and only participate in the physical movement when they are in the right mood, either bored or extremely bored, or when they are at practice. The Average Runner does not own much for gear besides their immense collection of meet shirts. These runners are easily identifiable in the average social setting, they can usually be found wearing a pair of sweatpants, one of their numerous meet shirts and a cheap set of brightly colored running …show more content…

This is the worst type of runner to encounter. Although it is an extremely rare occurrence to find this runner out on the street alone, they can be found in hoards at any social running event. Being under these circumstances gives them the optimal amount of opportunities to take as many selfies as possible and post them all to every social media site imaginable. These runners live for the likes. In order to obtain the picture perfect photo the #runner must spend a large sum of their money on Nike apparel or any other name brand tank top, shoes, and shorts which just so happen to lay flawlessly upon their red carpet ready body. The outfit is frequently accompanied by a perfectly executed braid. This runner leaves no room for error regarding their appearance. The #runner commonly wears a band around their arm that holds their phone so that when the perfect opportunity arises they can be ready in an instant. Only participating in social events the #runner never runs more than three miles, which just so happens to be the average length of a fun run race. This runner has no desire to be remotely good at what they do, because that would require sweating which would result in an impaired appearance. Once the #runner finishes their race and obtains the perfect selfie the very next movement they make is tapping the “post” icon on their smartphone. This runner’s eyes will not leave the screen until they see a notification stating that their post has

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