
Clarinets Observation

Decent Essays

In band there is about 150 students to two teachers. We have different sections that are split up by the instruments. There are even smaller groups inside each of the eight main sections. In the section that I belong to, clarinets we have three smaller groups. The hard workers, ones who put in some work, and just the slackers or ones who do not do a whole bunch of work. The first group of clarinets are the hard workers; ones who do more than expected. Clarinets have many keys on our instruments so, it takes a huge amount of memorization to know all of the notes. The instrument has twenty four keys, and can play fifty two different notes. Some people do not all of the notes right away. Like the third octave, or the extremely high ones. Most …show more content…

They do most of the work that is expected of them even though, sometimes not all of their work is accomplished. Other people may have to remind them to do something, if they do not remember. These people also need help in marching to stay in step.They are not always on their left foot when somebody says an odd number. Some of them do not always march to the beat. Which means when one person is counting to himself/herself, one should be able to stay in step. When one counts, and says an odd number it should be their left foot hitting the ground. They sometimes just walk around following other kids to find their spot . Once somebody says something to that certain person then most of the time it is fixed. Most of the time, if something is said to someone, her /she will listen and do what is told. This group is almost up to the standards, but has a few things to …show more content…

Ones who do not care or are just in band to consume a credit. These people do not care what others have to say, they just ignore them talking, or do not even listen to them. These people do not try to fix a problem if there is one. This group will listen to the teacher, but not any other person trying to help. They will sometimes act like they understand what is being said, but in reality has no clue about is going on. A section leader could be fixing something, and ask them a question. They will not be able to answer because they were not listening. They do what they think might be right, but really it is totally the opposite. It is more than likely wrong. So others have to put in extra work to make up for their mistakes. They know few notes,or the standard notes we play regularly. The low notes in the first octave, do not go any higher or lower. Even though if one persons know the first octave whom should know the lower one of those certain notes. The first octave are the first notes on scale we use to play other notes. They choose not to know them or even learn those notes unless told to do so.This certain group has a whole bunch of work to do before they are at the

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