
Civil Peace Research Paper

Decent Essays

Civil Peace Essay

In all cases, family comes first. This is the theme of the short story “Civil Peace” and the two articles shown. They explain why family is what is the most important in a person’s life. The short story “Civil Peace” is about a family that comes together while struggling after to get back on their feet after the civil war in Nigeria. One theme of the book is that family comes first. An example of this in the book is right away in the story when Jonathan Iwegbu said, “Happy survival!” (Wiggins 68) and this is an example because he is happy he survived with his family. “Jonathan came out of the war with five inestimable blessings; his head, his wife Maria’s head and the heads of three out of three out of four children” (Wiggins 69). This is an example of the theme because it shows that …show more content…

The first article talks about three children that are taking care of their parents during a rough patch. Each child made time to support their parents by being at the hospital and making sure they were available on weekends. The children put their lives on hold and dropped everything to take care of their parents. This relates to the theme because the children put their parents before them and made it a responsibility to visit and spend time with them during this rough patch in life. Another article with this same theme is about Sefulu Nofoa, who is a firm believer that life is all about putting family first. Sefulu talks about the struggle that parents go through to better their children's future. Saying “But as a father, if you don’t have the courage and passion to work and love your family, then you will fail” (Soloi). Sefulu talks a lot about needing a job, but he can't get one yet because he has a family to build and care for first. This relates to my theme because this father doesn't even have a job but he still puts his family first, and puts his family members in front of his

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