
Essay on City of Chicago Information Security Policy

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Critique of current Chicago information security policy
Enterprise Information Security Policy (EISP)
Areas similar to standards discussed Overview of the corporate philosophy on security Documents the Introduction and Purpose of the Information security policy of Chicago It provides a reasonable framework that helps the reader to understand the intent of the document
Overview  The City of Chicago (City) intends to manage its information technology and information assets to maximize their efficient, effective, and secure use in support of the City‘s business and its constituents.  This document, the Information Security Policy (Policy), defines the governing principles for the secure operation and management of the information …show more content…

Third Parties  The City often utilizes third parties in support of delivering business services. When, as a result, these arrangements extend the City‘s information technology enterprise or business processes into the third parties‘ computing environments—for example, in cases of Application Service Providers (ASPs)—the third parties must abide by this Policy, as applicable, unless specific additional provisions have been established through contractual agreements.

Reference to Other Information Technology Standards and Guidelines Areas different from standards discussed It does not outline lists of other standards that influence and are influenced by this policy document.

Issue Specific Security Policy (ISSP)
Fair and Responsible Use of Information Technology Information Classification: Confidential, Internal and Public

Use of technology-based system
Areas similar to standards discussed -

To effectively conduct the City‘s business and operations, the City makes available to authorized employees and third parties various information technology resources, including e-mail, the City‘s Intranet, the Internet, and other communication and productivity tools. Use of these resources is intended for business purposes in accordance with Users‘ job functions and responsibilities, with limited

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