
Cinderella Modern Day

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Modern Day Cinderella vs Original Fairytale Fairytales originated as spoken folktales that were spread from generation to generation. These stories weren't written down until the Grimm brother's, Jacob and Wilhelm, traversed Germany and wrote down the stories of the people. Because of them, these stories have been rewritten and retold today with many different twists and turns. A reader or viewer of the 2015 Disney movie adaptation Cinderella and the original Grimm brother's tale would feel bad for Cinderella and the poor way she was treated by her stepmother and stepsisters, inadvertently rooting for her to escape her bad circumstances, and they would come to the conclusion that sometimes you need an outside force, such as a fairy godmother …show more content…

In Disney's version, Cinderella is the typical blonde, beautiful, kind protagonist she is expected to be in modern time's retelling. In the movie, she is treated like a slave and is treated as an inferior to her stepmother and stepsisters. In the Grimm brother's version, this is basically the same. Both stories pin her with the name Cinderella, which stems from the term cinder, referring to due her ash covered skin from the fireplace and house work she is expected to do. In the original tale, the stepsisters refer to Cinderella as the kitchen maid, and in the movie she is also called names by the stepsisters. In the movie, Cinderella isn't allowed to sit at the table with her stepmom and stepsisters to have her meals, she is forced out of her bedroom and into the attic, and she is only fed table scraps. All of these abuses towards her sparks a response from the reader to pity her. It is a knee jerk reaction to sympathize with her situation. Here is a sweet, kindhearted young woman who has, in the Disney version, lost both of her parents and is now being treated like a servant. It is common for readers and viewers alike to root for the good, kind hearted character to come out victorious against the evil antagonist. This story is no different. In both versions, when reading or watching, you subconsciously want Cinderella to have a good ending and for her oppressors to be punished. The Grimm brothers tale …show more content…

In the Disney movie, this specific character is present. She first appears to Cinderella as frail old woman before she transforms into a noticeably younger and beautiful version of her previous self. Using magic, she changes a large pumpkin into a carriage, the mice into horses, and a lizard into a coachman. She creates a magnificent blue dress for Cinderella to wear to the ball, and gifts her with a pair of glass slippers. This is the typical telling of the story that we know today, but originally it wasn't told that glamorously. In contrast, the Grimm's story doesn't have a fairy godmother. It has this magical hazel tree that Cinderella planted from the first twig that brushed her father's hat when he left on a trip. This tree was planted over her mother's grave. When she wanted to attend the three day festival the royal family was throwing, she went to this tree and spoke, "Shake and quiver little tree, throw gold and silver down to me." A bird in the tree threw her a gold and silver dress with a pair of silk and silver slippers. The element of a fairy godmother is clearly different in both stories. Originally, this aspect of the story didn't have a fairy godmother at all. It was a magic, wish granting tree. Another stark differences between these two stories is how in the Grimm tale, the animals talk like in traditional folklore, but in the Disney story the animals did not speak. What is still

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