
Cincinnatus Primary Sources

Decent Essays

Primary sources are typically original documents that offer an inside view of that particular event. This primary source is a picture of a statute which allows us to assume that it’s to represent a hero of some sort, so he was an important figure in his time. We can also assume the time period based on his clothing; the clothes he has on can be associated with a time way before any of us were born. Upon other research, I have concluded that this statue is of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, who was a historical figure in Rome. In this essay, I will explain the importance of this primary source. Based on this picture, or primary source, we can assume that the figure shown is a hero or a respected person in society. This person obviously was part of a higher level of society, judging by the fact that he has a statue made of him to allow his legacy to live. Statues usually signal some form of legacy or something that should be recognized. Based on my extra research, I have found out that Cincinnatus is said to have won a war against an entire army in one day, and triumphed over Rome. He then proceeded to resign and go back to his small farm. He was a hard-working civilian who took over as dictator for a short time to help out and …show more content…

I think this statue is meant to show Cincinnatus’ victory and short dictatorship over Rome as well as his first attachment to his farm. The statue is trying to convey a message of being a hard-working leader and citizen. The ax in one hand symbolizes his power he has as the dictator, and he may be holding it out as a symbol of handing down his powers, while his other hand holds a plow, which attaches him to his farm. Cincinnatus’ legacy is meant to show that a true, loyal citizen won’t let anything stop him from helping his city when needed. I believe the intended audience of this statue is whoever needs a reminder and an example to live by to be an upright, loyal

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