
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Better Known As Copd Essay

Decent Essays

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease better known as COPD is a term used to describe progressive lung diseases which includes the following: emphysema, chronic bronchitis, refractory (non-reversible) asthma, and some forms of bronchiectasis. Mainly caused from toxins in cigarette smoke. Other causes being air pollutants, chemicals fumes, and dust from work environments. COPD is the fourth most common cause of death in the United States. COPD has four stages of progression with no viable cure. The only relief persons who suffer from this condition is treatments to help manage the disease. Treatments used are determined by what stage you are in the progression of the disease. COPD COPD is a progressive lung disease which affect your ability to breath. You have less airflow in your lungs due to one or all of the following: airways and air sacs lose their elastic quality, walls between the air sacs are destroyed or become thick and inflamed. You may also make more mucus than usual, which can clog the airways. COPD also affects your way of life due to your inability to normal life things such as going for walks, working around your house or even being able to hold a job in some cases, which then can cause financial difficulties. COPD affects up to 16 million Americans with millions more going undiagnosed. COPD is the fourth most common cause of death in the United States and rising quickly. It is expected by the year 2020 that it will be number three. Here is a chart breaking

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