The Chromalveolata supergroup has a clade called alveolates. The alveolates are named as such because under their cell membrane it has an alveolus. An alveolus is a membrane-enclosed sac that has an uncertain responsibility however it is suggested that it has something to do with osmoregulation. Osmoregulation is the maintenance of keeping the water quantity at a proper ratio. Alveolates has three groups that consists of the apicomplexans, the dinoflagellates, and the ciliates.
The dinoflagellates can range from photosynthetic, mixotrophic, and heterotrophic which deals with how an organism receives its nutrition needed for survival. A majority of dinoflagellates have connecting plates that are made of cellulose and two ninety degree angled flagella. The flagella are able to be positioned into the connecting plates. One of the flagella is surrounds the dinoflagellate while the other one runs lengthwise. The function of the flagella is to assist the dinoflagellates movement of rotation. Figure 1 demonstrates the wide variety that dinoflagellates can be. Dinoflagellates can also start to glow due to stress. The group of apicomplexans is named due the fact that it contains fibrin, microtubules, and vacuoles contained in a apical complex structure. The function of the structure is for access to contaminate a host cell. The group of
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Even though a few species can collaborate into colonies most golden algae are unicellular. They can be located in either freshwater or in a marine environment. Seaweed, or brown algae, is a marine algae that has multiple life cycles. In some of the species, the life cycle the gametophyte and sporophyte are multicellular. Oomycetes are water molds with no close relations to fungi even though its name means egg fungus. Oomycetes have cell walls that are cellulose based and have filaments that assist with food. For movement, they have hairy and smooth
The chapter begins with the description of a colorless inside-out interior, where simplicity becomes complexity. Home only to a small number of items that have conformed to it’s strict administration, as consequence these things were isolated from the rest of the world that lies beyond. Allowing for no exchange. Offering only isolation, and captivity. However, this isolation spoke to more of what was excluded than what was contained. The interior appeared like it wanted to impose its order upon the disorder around it in attempts to rescue a culture and lead it to salvation.
They must be eukaryotic, meaning they have nucleus, and in the domain Eukarya. In the Linnaean classification this could be in the kingdom Protista like a paramecium. Another Linnaean classification of this could be in kingdom Animalia, since they are heterotrophs and their cells contain a nucleus. They could be grouped as predators, since the organism is engulfing another organism. They could also be grouped based on their locomotion. They could have cilia, legs, or even flagella.
Hi I’m Danielle the dinoflagellates. I am the largest Noctiluca, and may be as large as 2 mm in diameter! Or I could be as small as 15 to 40 microns. Now you may thinking what is this, well I’m going to tell you. For one I am photosynthetic which means that I can create my own food from the sun and provide food for other organisms. I live in freshwater with other really cool and crazy creatures. I am basically algae or plankton. I am usually red,green, or multicolored.
The purpose of this study is to identify four unknown organisms. The unknown organisms have been assigned randomly to six-research groups by Professor Hoffman. Each research group was provided two eukaryotes and two prokaryotes. The unknown organisms will fall into the following classifications: bacteria, algae, fungi, or protozoans. All living organisms are organized into one of three domains of life, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
These tentacles are used not only for to itself, but also to protect the space around it, due to competition (EDGE: Coral Reef Species, 2008). These tentacles are usually spread out during the night from the outside edges of the colony. As well as the sweeper tentacles, they also have mesenterial filaments that extend from their digestive system, which allows them to eat other coral species that may be invading their space. These filaments help direct food into a central mouth, and then the food is digested into a sac-like body cavity (Boulder Star Coral, 2010). Astraea are classified as both heterotrophic and autotrophic feeders because, as well as using their tentacles to prey on other coral species, they also utilize organic matter and bacteria (Vaughan,
Postpartum Depression is depression that occurs after performing childbirth. This condition is often mistaken for the “baby blues” which has similar symptoms such as tearfulness, extreme sadness, anxiety, self-doubt, and fatigue. However, the “baby blues” goes away within a few weeks after and unlike the “baby blues”, postpartum depression can cause suicidal thoughts, difficulty making decisions, and feeling too exhausted to get out of bed for hours. If postpartum depression is not treated properly or soon enough it can drastically effect the lives of those who have developed it as well as their families. This is because a mother is a very important figure in one’s life because she is the first person that an individual ever makes an emotional connection with; she’s also the first one to play the role of supplying nourishment to her child. Consequently, “PPD can affect familial relationships and a woman’s capacity to care for and bond with her newborn. Some research indicates that young children of depressed mothers are at increased risk of delay in cognitive and language development” (McGarry, Kim, Sheng, Egger, & Baksh, 2009). Postpartum depression can take hold of a woman and her family’s life and is one of the most common complications of childbirth. However, “postpartum depression (PPD) is less frequently detected, treated, or the focus of obstetric research” (McGarry et al., 2009). This is because mothers suffering with postpartum depression are unable to seek proper
Recently dubbed “the undiscovered musical jewel of the East Bay”, Chromatica will celebrate its fifth birthday with a concert featuring its finest work. Included in its repertoire are favorites from Brahms, Verdi, Fauré, Elgar, Mozart, Offenbach and other classical composers.
heterochromia is defined as a difference in color, usually of the iris but also of hair or skin. Heterochromia is a result of the relative excess or lack of melanin (a pigment). Heterochromia may be inherited, or caused by genetic mosaicism, chimerism, disease, or injury
Using certain methods such as electron microscopy, these dinoflagellates were searched on. They were also identified.
Heterochromia is a genetic disorder of the eye, in which the iris is multicolored, Heterochromia iridum, or the iris of one eye is a different color then the iris if the other, Heterochromia iridis. Heterochromia is considered common, affecting more than 200,000 people, of all ages, per year. Although Heterochromia is a genetic disorder, it can also be caused by an injury to the eye.
The genus Ceratium is part of the clade Alveolates, which is considered to be a monophyletic group consisting of single-celled eukaryotes. Dinoflagellates, a phylum (subclade) under Ceratium, are composed of protists. Dinoflagellates can be either photosynthetic (an organism that uses sunlight for energy) or heterotrophic (an organism that consumes organic material for energy), although most are mainly photosynthetic. Ceratium is responsible for the red tide phenomenon in which the protists produce toxins that are released into the water and appear as a “red tide”. During nighttime, some species are capable of producing bioluminescence. Bioluminescence is light that Ceratium generate and can be seen only when the sun goes down. Another characteristic
Although both Archaeal and bacterial cells possess flagella for motility, the composition of each organism’s flagellum is very different. In bacterial cell, the flagellum is composed of a basal body, external protein filaments both are joined together by a third component called the hook.(Bacteria Flagella David Gene Morgan , Shahid Khan). In Archaeal, the protein filament is polymerised, glycosylated and very much thinner. The Archaeal flagellum is believed to be similar to the bacteria IV pilus in structure.(
Triploblastic- Contain three tissue layers. The endoderm (inner layer) the ectoderm (outer later) and the separating tissue between the two other layers called the mesoderm
The class Gastropoda has a diverse diet, but all species feed using some variation of radula, the feeding organ. The majority of species belonging to Gastropoda are herbivorous (Integrated Principles of Zoology, 2014). The primordial feeding behaviour involved grazing of algae from hard surfaces. The original, primitive form of radula called the rhipidoglossan is still present in some species of the order Archaeogastropoda that feed in this primordial manner. From this original form, several unique modifications of the radula have evolved, leading to different diets (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2015).
Chromotherapy is a scientific way to cure diseases by using the visible spectrum (colors) of electromagnetic radiation to balance energy lacking from a person's body, whether it be on physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental levels. The concept of Chromotherapy has successfully used through the centuries to cure numerous diseases. Newtonian ideas are helpful to explain solid matter and moving objects that are found in the earth's gravitational field. However, Einstein determined that energy and matter are couple expressions of the same universal substance according to his famous equation E= mc2. The density or the form of matter is determined by the rate of vibration for a substance. To make easier, light is energy, and the interaction of