
Chromalveolata Observation Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The Chromalveolata supergroup has a clade called alveolates. The alveolates are named as such because under their cell membrane it has an alveolus. An alveolus is a membrane-enclosed sac that has an uncertain responsibility however it is suggested that it has something to do with osmoregulation. Osmoregulation is the maintenance of keeping the water quantity at a proper ratio. Alveolates has three groups that consists of the apicomplexans, the dinoflagellates, and the ciliates.
The dinoflagellates can range from photosynthetic, mixotrophic, and heterotrophic which deals with how an organism receives its nutrition needed for survival. A majority of dinoflagellates have connecting plates that are made of cellulose and two ninety degree angled flagella. The flagella are able to be positioned into the connecting plates. One of the flagella is surrounds the dinoflagellate while the other one runs lengthwise. The function of the flagella is to assist the dinoflagellates movement of rotation. Figure 1 demonstrates the wide variety that dinoflagellates can be. Dinoflagellates can also start to glow due to stress. The group of apicomplexans is named due the fact that it contains fibrin, microtubules, and vacuoles contained in a apical complex structure. The function of the structure is for access to contaminate a host cell. The group of …show more content…

Even though a few species can collaborate into colonies most golden algae are unicellular. They can be located in either freshwater or in a marine environment. Seaweed, or brown algae, is a marine algae that has multiple life cycles. In some of the species, the life cycle the gametophyte and sporophyte are multicellular. Oomycetes are water molds with no close relations to fungi even though its name means egg fungus. Oomycetes have cell walls that are cellulose based and have filaments that assist with food. For movement, they have hairy and smooth

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