
Chromotherapy Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Chromotherapy is a scientific way to cure diseases by using the visible spectrum (colors) of electromagnetic radiation to balance energy lacking from a person's body, whether it be on physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental levels. The concept of Chromotherapy has successfully used through the centuries to cure numerous diseases. Newtonian ideas are helpful to explain solid matter and moving objects that are found in the earth's gravitational field. However, Einstein determined that energy and matter are couple expressions of the same universal substance according to his famous equation E= mc2. The density or the form of matter is determined by the rate of vibration for a substance. To make easier, light is energy, and the interaction of …show more content…

Instated of that, contemporary medicine can examine the symptoms and try to influence or get rid of them, but not as an authentic source. The key to understanding chromotherapy/vibrational healing is to deal with the human body not as a collection of chemical parts, but as a complete system operating in harmony with the electromagnetic/energy system of the universe. According to the principle of chromotherapy, the human is basically composed of colors, and light has an impact on every creature’s health condition. Colors stimulate various parts of the body, and they are responsible for the correct functioning of different systems in the body. Our organs, limbs, cells and atoms are existed as energy, and each of them has a distinguished color, frequency or vibrational energy. For each organ and energy center there is an energetic level at which the organ vibrates or functions best. When diverse parts of the body diverge from these predictable natural vibrations, we can consider that the body is either diseased or at least not working

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