
Christopher Columbus And His Four Voyages

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Christopher Columbus and his Four Voyages

The Four Voyages, is an instantaneous account each single voyage taken by Christopher Columbus, what he and his men stumbled upon in the New World, and the long-standing effects these European conquistadors did face throughout it. Throughout Columbus 's life as an explorer he went on four great voyages and made many great discoveries. Christopher Columbus’s four voyages were both that of exploration and imperialism. The lands which he discovered, he claimed not only for himself, but also for the Spanish Crown, although he had very minimal idea as to where their exact location were. All through the end of his existence Columbus continued to believe that Cuba, Hispaniola (which now consists of the Dominican Republic and Haiti), and the “Indies” which compromised of many other islands located someplace off of Chinas coast, and possible stops to the kingdom of the Great Khan who over 200 hundred years prior, Marco Polo had written about.

Columbus sailed from Palos, Spain, on August 3rd 1492 on three small vessels, the Santa María, directed by Christopher Columbus himself, the Pinta which was commanded under Martín Pinzón, and the Niña which was under Vicente Yáñez Pinzón comand. The three ships halted at the Canary Islands, the Columbus sailed west from September 6th 1492 until October 7th 1492, he altered his route and headed southwest. Soon after switching direction Columbus and his men landed on a minute island in the Bahamas.

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