
Chris Mccandless Flaws In Into The Wild

Decent Essays

Many readers of the book “Into the Wild,” have different opinions of Chris McCandless. Some say he was an idiot, crazy, adventurer, inspiration, ignorant, rash, and many other titles that people could label Chris as. I believe that Chris was a smart, competent, and for the most part an adventurer. Although he was emotional, rash, and daring, this didn’t help him at all probably led to his demise on his trip to Alaska. Chris was a very smart man who graduated from a very prestigious school named Emory in Atlanta Georgia. Chris never cared about many materialistic things. At one point he told both of his parents he doesn’t want to give or receive gifts from them. Another example is when Chris graduates from college his parents want to reward …show more content…

Chris buys a canoe to ride it down the Colorado River in Arizona where there are roaring rapids that can swallow his small canoe easily. That’s not even the part that makes Chris daring; Chris does this with zero canoeing experience and with the river patrol after him because he is canoeing illegally. Chris’s whole entire trip is showing all of the readers just how daring he really is. He leaves his perfectly stable life with a prestigious college degree and he decides to get rid of all the money he has to travel by road from Georgia to Alaska. This all also explains how adventurous he is as well. He mentions in the book how much he loves what he is doing with his life at the time being and he uses deep emotional meaning to support the way he feels.” Don't settle down and sit in one place. Move around, be nomadic, make each day a new horizon.” This shows just how strongly Chris believed that traveling was his way of life that made him happy in life. Another characteristic of Chris was that he was very emotional. The reason why he left off traveling to Alaska at the time he did without telling his family, was because he wanted to escape his family, specifically his Father. Chris found out that his Father had cheated on his Mother with his ex-wife. He was mad at both of them because he felt like his father betrayed the family and that his Mother was too weak to divorce his Father. That was the fuel for

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