
What Does Chris Mccandless Mean In Into The Wild

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If there is one thing in the world everyone is searching for; it’s happiness. Happiness is different for everybody, and comes in many different ways. It defines people, people with similar joys become friends, and sometimes people with different joys become enemies. Finding happiness is a struggle for some people, but it’s important to keep looking no matter how hard it is. In the book based on a true story, Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer, the main character, Chris McCandless is on a journey to find happiness. He searched for happiness in his own, abnormal way that many people would not understand. Chris McCandless was an independant person that went to the limits to not only find his own happiness, but the meaning of it. Chris McCandless was extremely independent and lived his life for himself. Krakauer describes McCandless in Chapter 17 and Chapter 6 as a person who lived with meaning and purpose. But the meaning to his life was not approved by many other people, as they did not understand they way he thought …show more content…

People considered Chris’ search for happiness crazy and insane, but that is just their opinions. Other’s opinions didn’t mean anything to Chris because he did what he wanted, and no one was going to stop him, no matter how crazy his goals were. He wasn’t just searching for happiness but as Krakauer said, “McCandless went into the wilderness not primarily to ponder the the nature or the world at large but, rather, to explore the inner country of his own soul”(183). Chris went into the wilderness to learn who he was and why he was that way, and in his search for his identity, he had to search for his happiness, as that is what he lives for. Chris went into the Alaskan Bush in order to live the way he wanted. No rules, no one to tell him what to do, he could determine what was right or wrong, with no one else's

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