
Choosing A Dehumidifier: Humid Indoor Air

Decent Essays

Choosing a dehumidifier

Humid indoor air can cause damage to your home and furnishings and also promote the growth of mold and dust mites. Purchasing a quality dehumidifier can erase those issues. Controlling humidity levels is important because too much moisture in the air can cause health problems like allergies and asthma to worsen. Purchasing a quality dehumidifier is a smart way to solve all of these problems.

Table of contents
1. Why purchase?
1.1. Preventing mold/mildew growth
1.2. Managing your allergies
1.3. Pest control
1.4. Avoid home damage
2. How they work
3. Ideal spots
4. Budget
5. Size
5.1. Large capacity
5.2. Medium capacity
5.3. Small capacity
5.4. Portable
5.5. Whole house
5.6. Heat pump
5.7. Chemical absorbent (desiccant)
5.8. Dehumidifying ventilators
6. Features
6.1. Quiet operation
6.2. Internal pumps
6.3. Mobility
6.4. Direct drains
6.5. Filter indicators
6.6. …show more content…

The sensor turns the unit on as needed so the humidity is controlled with no effort from the homeowner. These units are not suited for hot climates since they pull in air from the outside to work their humidity balancing act. No one wants hot air added to the home when other type units don't have this issue.


● Quiet operation gets rid of that awful, annoying sound which comes from the unit if it’s in a common area or close to where you sleep. Another plus of this feature is that they save on energy costs.
● Internal pumps automatically pump water vertically to a water basin for continuous operation.
● Mobility is a large factor when it comes to your new dehumidifier. Really try to find one with casters so it can be rolled around the house. Having a long power plug allows you to place the unit wherever you want/need.
● Direct drains offer continuous operation with a gravity feed to a floor-level drain, so you never have a bucket to empty.
● Filter indicators alert when the air filter needs to be

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