
Choice Book Review

Decent Essays

Choice Book Review
“God gave us all the ability to make our own choices. Good or bad. But also gives us a guide to navigate the storms. But it’s your choice to take that guide and use it or have your ship sink in the storms”. We all make choices at a certain level in our life, choices that determine the kind of legacies we leave. The Idea that right and wrong or good and evil occur in some nonconcrete sense, is because each individual has this thing we call moralities. Morality can determine as reasonable person, listen one and another associated our thought and come out with a solution that both can agree or disagree., Morality have a lot to do with choice makers, if we are morally secure it is difficult to make made choices that will destroy your life later on; therefore, Morality is the need to make right choices it’s also essential to know …show more content…

Some decisions you make aren't terribly important. For example, if you know peanut are not good for your intestine you have a choice to choose, but you choose peanut that make you suffer that the consequences of your choice. We all make those kind of choices, and sometime we wish not to make bad decision, yet we make them because it within human being. Making right decision also required valuing rubrics and scheming the consequences of our actions. Smedes defines responsible decisions as ones which are informed by Imagination, discernment, commitment, and accountability. Furthermore, In the chapters, he summaries an insufficient pathway to moral decision-making, including, inspiring individual’s intuition, prayer, and tradition. That where forgiveness come along, clemency is the freedom to make wrong `choices therefore choice of wrong in right is in human being

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