
Chinese Cinderella Research Paper

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Chinese Cinderella, written by Adeline Yen Mah is a depressing story because of the hardships Adeline has to cope with like being cognizant of the fact she’s an unwanted child, constantly being blamed for her mothers death, and lastly being looked upon unfairly by Niang and father. Adeline was like a flower whose stem was broken. Because she had all the potential and brilliance in the world, but she didn’t have the one thing she really needed, support. From a reader’s standpoint, Chinese Cinderella is a depressing book because of the lack of care and nourishment Adeline obtained throughout her entire childhood. I like to refer Adeline’s upbringing to a bag of Original Lays potato chips, sure they’re average, but they aren’t near as satisfying …show more content…

For example, when your only father asks, “I’m afraid I have forgotten your chinese name. Is it Jun-qing?” (pg.124) you know you’re as worthless as money that isn’t in circulation anymore. Perhaps, the family member that should know the most about you knew the very least about Adeline. As the sun retires and the moon awakes, every night I would loathe upon the idea of my dad not even being observant of my own name. That isn’t the only time where Adeline was neglected. For instance when father demands,”Since you’re not happy here, you must go somewhere else!” (117) To Adeline’s amazement she was shipped off to boarding school as if she were cargo. After slightly bending Niang’s rules, Niang was granted the perfect opportunity to rid Adeline from her life. She was enrolled in one of her previous schools as a boarder in Tianjin during a communist war. Her family not even concerned about Adeline’s safety considering most of the children had already been withdrawn from the school. Despite all of these misfortunes weighing down on Adeline like an anchor, she had to deal with yet another affliction, her mom’s …show more content…

Then you blink and that presence you once felt with your mother is gone forever. Suddenly the attention is shifted to your mom, but it’s too late. Little did Adeline know that looking into her mother’s eyes was the last connection she would ever share with her. Finally, you are brought home for the first time and everyone is extatic to see you until they realize that its just you and dad. Everybody is asking where mom is. Within one minute of explanation you are dreaded by most of your family. Unfortunately that was the case for Adeline. Due to being blamed for her mother’s death, her family ignored her. One time Adeline came home from home school and had a silver medal pinned to her chest because she got an award for leading her class in academics. Instead of earning praise from her Second Brother she received a loud smack to the face. Second Brother proclaimed,”This’ll teach you not to show off your medal!”(pg.9) Another time she was awarded at assembly for her outstanding grades, but not one of her family members was there to congratulate her. Adeline’s siblings also taunted and toyed with her as if she was a puppet on their strings. During a family meal, father was vaunting about Adeline,”You must continue to bring honor to your family name,”(pg.11) in front of Adeline’s siblings after eating the main course. It was time for dessert. Of course on this night it was Adeline’s

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