
Children Of The Night: Online Child Prostitution

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immediately. Doing this protects your children from harmful strangers and allows you to teach them that they are vulnerable and to always be aware of people trying to hurt them. Going along with this social media theme, it is the job of our government and websites to control online child prostitution. For the longest time finding underage prostitutes was as easy as going onto craigslist or and looking through the ads. There would be ads using code words for solicitation and underage girls all over the country would be used multiple times a night. A few years ago craigslist’s shut down its adult section and finally this year according to an article written by The Washington Post (2017), Backpage shut down its adult services section …show more content…

Whether it’s helping criminals go from jail back into society, or in this case helping prior child prostitutes become productive members of society again. A lot of steps must be taken to ensure that you can help these children go from the horrors they saw everyday to getting jobs, graduating from school and living normal lives again. A great way to do this is through specialized programs. One program that really does a tremendous job is Children of the Night. According to the Children of the Night website (2017), Children of the Night is a privately funded charity that dedicates its time towards rescuing children in America from the horrors of prostitution (Children of the Night, 2017). This organization is a 24 hr. a day service that allows anyone in need of leaving their pimps to be transported to a shelter. Children of the Night work hand in hand with law enforcement to ensure they are reaching out to anyone they possibly can. A great part of this organization is their focus on education and life learning tools. These girls have most likely been away from school from sometime or maybe never attended high school to begin with. The best way to reintegrate someone is to give them the tools needed to survive. A high school diploma, a college degree, or work skills are desperately needed to survive in our world. By giving these young victims these valuable tools they are set up to have successful lives. They no longer feel the desperation to …show more content…

The idea that anyone would have sex with a minor or force a minor to have sex with someone is a sickening thought. But sadly its real and its growing everyday. With the growth of social media and the containing issue of poor and unstable homes, the list for candidates to become child prostitutes is forever growing. And while the government can do their part and parents can try to do everything they can to protect their children, some will still fall through the cracks and end up in the arms of a pimp just looking to use them. It is our job as a society to do everything we can to prevent this act from occurring. Everything from volunteering to reporting what you see either on the streets or online is crucial to the success of preventing this terrible act. And while it will never be fully stopped it can be hit hard. We as a society can make a difference by making it known just how ramped this disease really is. And even if you can’t stop it from happening, helping just one girl out of the horrible life she lives can make all the difference in the world. One step at a time and eventually we all may be able to live in a world where child prostitution is something we rarely see happen

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