
Childhood Poverty And Its Effects On Children And Families

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Educators and caregivers must understand that children come from diverse backgrounds. Children who live in poverty or low-income families face many challenges. When a child is from a low-income family, you must know and understand the obstacles the child and their families may face. There are many ways living in poverty can affect children and families; educationally, physically, and emotionally, cognitively, and socially. There are resources available and beneficial information to encourage and benefit families who live in poverty or low-income families.

Childhood poverty comes along with stress and safety. Children who grow up in low-income families have less interaction with their families which leads to less cognitive stimulation. They also don’t have access to healthy foods, which affect healthy brain development. According to Hanson JL, Hair N, Shen DG, Shi F, Gilmore JH, et al., infants, toddlers and preschoolers from low-income families develop lower gray matter compared with those from middle and high-income households (Hanson et al.,2013).
According to the article Poverty and the Developing Brain: Insights from Neuroimaging article by Sheeva Azma, poverty is linked to emotional processing and memory environmental factors of poverty may have on a child’s behavior and academic performance in school that poverty causes physical changes to a child’s brain (Azma,2013). Poverty can affect a child’s development from a mild range or severe. This is

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