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CU1522.1 – Be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people
Explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained.
Positive relationships with children and young people are important for the child so that they can learn and develop to their full ability. If a child feels comfortable with you they would be more inclined to leave their parents in the morning easier. This makes the parent feel happier – leaving their child with someone their child enjoys being – and makes them feel less guilty about going to work. This also then means they can start to play and interact with other children. Through playing and exploring and socialising the child or …show more content…

Firstly, when a child or young person enters the room I always make sure I greet them, making eye contact, saying hello and smiling. I make sure I get down to their level and offer to give them a hug. I try to make the environment they walk into a positive one so they do not feel threatened or intimidated but more welcomed and wanted. I think this is effective as it is becomes a routine they can get used to - seeing me when they walk through the door - and will then instinctively start to say hello back and accept your offer of a hug. I also ensure I am always happy and have a chat with their parent or guardian. I think if the parent and you have a positive relationship the child will pick up on this and start react that way too. I think it’s an effective method to use as they do not see you as ‘the person that takes them away from their parent or guardian’ but instead sees you as a friend of theirs and their parent/guardian.
I also find another very effective way to build a positive relationship with a child or young person is to constantly encourage them. Giving them a variety of toys and saying ‘oh what’s this? Would you like to play in the sand?’ ect. This promotes to them you are fun and want to play with them. Children usually like someone to play with however this is not always effective if the child’s individual preference is to be left alone. In which case it is better to build the relationship by giving them their space, but making sure

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