
Childhood In Randy's Last Lecture

Decent Essays

Reading the book “Last Lecture” has taught me a lot and how to value what I have. The beginning of this story introduces Randy and his childhood. Randy considered his childhood as magical. He grew up comfortably middle class in Columbia, Maryland. His parent both had A pretty good job, his mother was a school teacher and his father ran a small auto insurance business. His father was also a WWII medic, he served in the middle of Bulge, he also founded a non-profit group to help immigrants’ kid learn English. Randy’s father was a hero to him. Randy’s mother and father both gave great advice, the advice I found to be valuable to me was given by his father, “never make a decision until you have to.” I found this valuable because many times I am quick to make a decision and it ends up being a bad one, so if I wait till it is absolutely necessary id have more time to think about it and make a better choice. Another piece of advice Randy’s father gave was, “just because you are in the driver’s seat, doesn’t mean you have to run people over.” To me this means that just because to you the authority/power to do things doesn’t mean you have to ruin other …show more content…

I completely agree with how Randy explains the proper apology because I feel without these things the apology is dead, and isn’t coming from your heart. In the story there was an example of how Randy’s wife, Jai, caused a dent in his car and was apologizing to him about it. She thought he would be so upset about it, but instead Randy told her, “my parents raised me to recognize that automobiles are to get you from point A to point B.” so instead of getting the dent removed Randy and Jai decides to ride around with the dent. They say that the dented cars became a statement in their marriage that not everything needs to be

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