
Child Poverty And Its Effects On Children

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Child poverty has become one of the most significant ongoing issues in New Zealand. According to the Child Poverty Monitor Technical Report in 2013, one out of four New Zealand children are growing up in poverty and one out of six are growing up without meeting the basic needs such as adequate and nutritious food, health care, adequate clothing and housing. Ten percent of the New Zealand children are at the hardest end of poverty and sixty percent of children living in poverty will likely live this way for most of their childhood (Craig, Reddington, Wicken, Oben, & Simpson, 2013). The child poverty rate in recent years has almost doubled compared to the 1980s, which was about 13% (Boston, 2013). This is not only surprising but also concerning.
The costs of child poverty affects children in the form of ill health and high mortality, lowered educational and employment opportunities, increased criminal and violence behaviours and much more. Child poverty not only harms the individual child, but also afflicted the society as a whole with both social and economic costs (Craig, 2013). Boston (2013) also suggested that a nation’s prosperity is reduced with substantial rates of child poverty based on empirical evidence. Children are the future of New Zealand’s society, and they need to be well nourished, housed and educated to contribute to a functioning and thriving society.
As future nurses working in this environment, it’s very important to recognise child poverty as

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