
Charles H. Wright Museum Report

Satisfactory Essays

Originally, I planned on taking the one hour drive to the Charles H. Wright Museum. I imagined that my field trip to that particular museum would be beneficial to both myself furthermore, my paper. I visited the Ypsilanti Historical Museum instead, having little awe during my observational trip. First and foremost everywhere I glanced I wanted to see a black face sadly, that did not happen in my favor. This museum definitely appeals to the eye for creativity plus their modernization. The notable African Americans the museum did hold were placed in a glass case, indubitably separated (maybe I just make everything a racial thing, but nowadays it is hard not to). Also, I can count on one hand how many African American females I witnessed in a …show more content…

The Ypsilanti Historical Museum has been around for about seventy years yet, they only hold information dealing with Ypsilanti itself not Ann Arbor, or any other small towns. This museum holds multiple influential African Americans that may not have been rich or famous which gives it more importance. Individuals can come into this place learning more about their family then they knew even existed. I feel as if the place is only going to grow in a healthier way. The museum is suppose to be a glimpse of life as it once was in Ypsilanti during the 19th Century. I believe that the house is actually similar to slave masters houses during that time period. In the house I viewed two objects that caught my eye starting with a brass organ lamp which was passed down three generations with the date it was made carved on it. Also, I viewed the industrial butter churn which was made in 1905. I found that intriguing for the simple reason of never seeing one in person. As I walked around I witnessed a lot of outside creations they used as ‘tools’ such as rocks, sticks, and etc. On this field trip I learned one fact I found to be interesting. Before refrigerators ice in Ypsilanti came from the Huron River harvested in January as well as February. They would make ice houses to store the ice in, when refrigerators developed there was now no need for ice

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