
Characteristics Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild

Decent Essays

What characterizes a person? Characterization is basically what someone says and how they take action upon it in different ways. In Into the Wild, Chris McCandless is characterized throughout the story. To be more specific, he is said to be independent, bright, and careless. Chris McCandless has 3 prominent personality traits throughout the book. His first personality trait is his independence. Chris has been independent for a long time, and even as a child. “‘Chris had natural talent,’ Walt continues, ‘but if you tried to coach him, polish his skill, to bring out that final ten percent, a wall went up. He resisted instruction of any kind” (Krakauer 111). This shows his independence by making him seem as if he does not need anyone coaching him or giving him advice when he just could do it himself and get it right eventually. “When …show more content…

It is shown in many places where Chris is being utterly careless towards many things. “One day in early February, McCandless announced that he was splitting for San Diego to earn more money for his Alaska trip” (Krakauer 52). This evidence tells he is making a decision without thought and knowledge behind it. It would seem he is just trying to rush right into whatever he is doing and trying to sprint the whole marathon of getting to Alaska. “Alex admitted that the only food in his pack was a ten-pound bag of rice. His gear seemed exceedingly minimal for the harsh conditions of the interior, which in April still lay buried under winter snowpack” (Krakauer 5). Showing that Alex (Chris) had almost no food in his bag indicates he was not well prepared for dangerous travel. He can not live off of rice if he can not score game for a long time. This proves him to be careless also because the gear he had was not in the right condition to be used for a long term event like this one. And this is probably one of the main reasons for the death of Chris so young and so early into his

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