
Character Analysis: Waiting By Ha Jin

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“Waiting,” by a famous author, Ha Jin. Every book has a complex character and in this book it has one complex character who stands out. A complex character is one individual who changes during the story. They have multiple traits of different personalities and they become a different person from beginning to end. Throughout the whole story, the reader sees the personality changes but there is always a character who the author focuses on to make them adjust better in the novel. The complex character in this romance novel would be Manna Wu who is one of the main characters in the story.
Additionally, figuring out the complex character in the book is not always simple. The reader has to analyze the book carefully in order to find out who it is. …show more content…

Manna did not want to get involved in relationships after her fiancé found someone else to marry. After getting her heart torn, she felt less self-confident and more insecure about herself. She did not like how she looked for the longest time. She knew she was older than all the other girls in the hospital and the men did not want to date her. Manna did not want to have a boyfriend after that break up. She even tried to reject guys multiple times so she would not get hurt again. Manna thought she was not going to find love anytime …show more content…

It’s a heart-warming story that both men and women can relate to. There is one symbol that stood out, it connects to others well. Strength symbolizes the story because of the conflict with relationships. Manna was heartbroken, but she acted strong in front of everyone. The main characters are inpatient because they are all waiting for something important to happen. The audience gets hooked easily, but they have to wait till the very end to find out about the resolution and what happens to the characters. One quote from the book says, “She had been waiting, waiting, only for a beginning or an ending between them.” (Jin, 69) Manna and her secret love, Lin Kong, wanted to be together. Throughout the entire book they are basically waiting to get engaged and be together. The author wanted the readers to be hooked and have

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