
Character Analysis: Red Scarf Girl

Better Essays

Lexi Faulkner
Mrs. Sargent
English 1 Accelerated
August 4, 2014

What if you were woken up in the middle of the night to someone pounding on your door? Then, when the door is finally opened the guards come rushing into your home, looking through and destroying everything you love. Once they leave you discover that they are taking some of your most valuable and cherished possessions, and the rest of your possessions are scattered and destroyed. Or, what if you had to risk and leave behind everything you love, in order to do the right thing? Ji-Li Jiang and Guy Montag experience and discover what it is like to live with these hardships. In Red Scarf Girl, Ji-Li Jiang has to make many difficult decisions. She has to make the decision between …show more content…

At one point in the story, Ji-Li has to make the decision between breaking away from her family and becoming a loyal servant and follower of Chairman Mao and erasing her bad family background, or staying with her family and suffering the consequences of being a part of a “black family”. “Chairman Mao says you can’t choose your class status but you can choose your future. You can’t choose the family you were born into, but now that you’ve grown up, it’s time for you to choose your future. You can tell your parents you’ll follow Chairman Mao, not them. If they give you any trouble, just come here and tell us. We’ll go to their work units and hold struggle meetings against them… He went on and on, waving his chopsticks. I was totally confused. I had only wanted to break from all those landlords in my family, not with Mom and Dad. Would changing my name mean breaking off relations with them?” (Jiang, 301). In this paragraph it shows that Ji-Li was having a difficult decision deciding between what was right, and what she thought was right. I can relate to this because many times throughout my life I think I am making the right decision, but then when I later think about it I realize what I am doing is wrong, and that I should decide my actions based off …show more content…

During the Cultural Revolution, China was under the rule of Communist Party leader Mao Zendong, who a majority of China, especially its youth, began to think of more closely to a God than a ruler. Although, because much of China has grown great affection over Mao, they are oblivious to what he is actually doing, and what is happening to the rest of China and the people around them. In both Red Scarf Girl and Someone Named Eva by Joan Wolf, the book is about a ruler who because so many people have begun to greatly admire and look up too, as both a ruler and role model, has forced people to become unconscious to what is actually happening to the world and people around them. In both books because of the people’s great admiration towards their leaders, they have also begun to not only adapt their leader’s thoughts, ideas, and perspectives, but have put them into action. In Red Scarf Girl, Ji-Li Jiang says “But Grandma, we have to get rid of those old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits. Chairman Mao said they’re holding us back” (Jiang, 25). Chairman Mao believed strongly in getting rid of four olds, or old customs, ideas, culture, or habits that may be holding back China. He began directly targeting the youth to achieve this goal by reforming, and teaching them that these old ideas and habits were wrong, and should be

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