
Character Analysis: Chris Mccandless

Decent Essays

Chris (Alex) McCandless a wise, well educated and determined young man. Not your typical young man, some say he’s crazy while others admire him, Chris is self reliant and an extraordinary young man. I wouldn’t follow in Chris’s footsteps but he’s a go getter. Despite all the “craziness” Chris did he had a tough time grasping everything that happened at home and never could he be around someone for a long period of time he wanted everything he did done his way. Some may believe that Chris McCandless went into the wild to escape a toxic relationship with his parents, but it is more than that, his rebelliousness, risk taking tendencies and family problems led him into the wild.

Chris’s I can do attitude got him into trouble at times but …show more content…

His risk taking tendencies also led him into going into the wild. It wasn’t because he was dumb that was just the kind of person he was. He definitely did some uncalled for risked but that is what he did and he can’t change it. Chris knew what he wanted to do, although he didn’t have much he still did what he did. Most people would find it outrageous what he did but he felt as society was too much for him, so he took a risk and went out to the wild with little to nothing. It wasn’t Chris’s first time going out and adventuring off to the wild, he did something similar when he graduated high school. All Chris wanted to do was, “return to a natural state,” (Krakauer 74) that was one of his goals to do. He didn’t like our society as it was, he preferred the early time periods, “‘[b]y the end his lifestyle had elements of the Neolithic’” (Krakauer 74). He did everything that he could to change his life so as Chris did he went out to the wild and tried proving to himself that he could. Although Chris did die it wasn’t his fault for eating a poisonous berry he didn’t know that would happen, that is how he died. Chris didn’t go to the wild to kill himself, he went to go enjoy himself and live life he wanted but he took multiple risk along the way. When Chris changed his name, burned all his money and cut up all his cards, would be a few of Chris’s risk taking tendencies/rebelliousness he had or did. He was never one to tell someone what he was planning on doing he just did it on his

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