“The Fighting Ground” by Avi, it was a very interesting book it had been settled around the 1700s when there was many, many, many wars for freedom. The main character Jonathan was a boy who had fantasies of being a hero at war will soon go to only a small battle to see his day-dreams aren't real, and gets more than a little life lesson after it’s all over. In the book the fighting ground Jonathan shows many emotions and traits such as on page 8 it shows him as a layer after he lies to his mother by not telling her that his father didn't want him to go to the tavern. Or like on page 140 he shows child innocents and kindness by trying to save a group of Hessians that had kidnapped him. To explain some of the things that had been listed like talking about the main character being kidnapped or him lying there will be a short summary of the book/Jonathan’s actions. It all starts with Jonathan daydreaming …show more content…
Jonathan’s father tells him to go to their house to see if anyone came by to tell what is happening and to not go past the house Jonathan sorta tricks his mother into asking him to go to the tavern and Jonathan joins the militia they are making. The only important characters met in the march to the battle ground are two people a Frenchman and a friend of Jonathan's father. Time skip because nothing important is happening. Now, they are on the battlefield and the battle begins soon after. Jonathan shoots once hits no one gets scared and runs away and hides in a tree and falls asleep. Later, he wakes up and sees a group of Hessians. They only speak German. Jonathan thinks they know where he is (they didn’t they were going to give up on looking for him), so he jumps our screaming “don't shoot!”. Time skip because the group is just aimlessly walking. Jonathan Bonds with the youngest hessian. They hear a cow mooing, They follow the sound. They find a cabin and a shed.
The book starts with Will talking about himself, he is a pilot who crashed a plane three times .Will survived the plane accident three times but this time he lies in the hospital and in coma. While he is on coma Will talks about himself, about the past. Will has two nieces Annie and Suzanne. After the accident Annie comes to visit him at the hospital there Annie has a friend her name is Eva and she is a nurse. Eva tells Annie to talk with her uncle because it is good for him and probably he can hear everything so she begins to talk with him and tell her stories and everything about what happens to her. Annie has a younger sister Suzanne, she is a model who has been disappeared for a long time with Netmaker Gus. The reason why Annie came to Toronto was to find her sister. Will talks about his friends Joe and Gregor and about his problem with alcohol. Will talks about Marius a person who is involved in drugs and trafficking. Marius threated him because of Suzanne. Marius beats Will and breaks his leg. Will plans to kill Marius, he shoots him but he does not die. While will lies in hospital and in coma Annie continues to tell him about herself and Suzanne. Annie is trying to find out what has happened to her sister and Gus while she is searching
The Slopes Of War, by N.A Perez is a historical fiction book. There were lots of people who got damaged emotionally and physically in war, the slopes of war shows examples of how they got hurt.
"Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die"- Herbert Hoover. The leaders who decide to start the war do not have to fight, but the people who do not want to fight, like nineteen year old Paul and his friends, are the ones who are killed and injured. In the book All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, Paul changes physically and emotionally through war. Set in Germany during World War I, Paul and his friends must do the unthinkable to survive the war and it causes them to slowly lose their identity. Paul is changed by the harsh effects of the war through his dehumanization, rapid personal growth, and alienation from the rest of the world.
“April Morning” by Howard Fast is a novel that takes place during the Battle of Lexington on April 19, 1775. The entire book takes place during a 24 hour time period. Adam Cooper is the antagonist in this novel. When Adam goes to bed on the eve of April 18, 1775 he is a boy. When he awakens the next morning he is forced to become a man. In the early hours of the morning he, along with the rest of the town, is awakened by a lone rider racing to Lexington to warn them that a British army, of maybe a thousand men, is marching their way. Immediately the town is in a frenzy to prepare for the British arrival. The book is about Adam’s journey during the Battle of Lexington.
The book I read is Dog Tags and the book takes place in WW2, it`s about a boy who lies about his age so he can get into the military. His squadron is attacked and his position is overrun by the Nazis and a tree fell over and knocked him out and when he wakes up he is alone. I would recommend this book for readers that like war history books. The book enables you to appreciate the character’s thoughts and feelings. The reader can empathize with the characters.
‘When We Fight We Win’ challenges the notion of “reform” when it comes to education in Chicago and around the globe. Charter schools privatize education allowing what is supposed to be a public service focussed on meeting the needs of students to meeting the needs of private investors. Billionaires like Bill Gates have pushed charter schools as a solution to our failing educational system but in reality many charter schools don’t do better on average. Chicago’s mayor Rahm Emanuel closed 50 public schools primarily in low-income african american and latino neighborhoods which then later got replaced by charter schools. This is what the book refers to as the neoliberal model of education that has served as a blueprint in changing
A little ten year old boy was taken as a prisoner of war. He was snatched out of his life and destined to die while others lived. His death actually happened in history, but also in the novel, My Brother Sam Is Dead. It is the year 1775, the Revolutionary War is just stirring among the people. The narrator is Tim Meeker, the youngest son in a family that runs their tavern in the town of Redding. The Meeker family goes through many sufferings at the cost of war. His older brother, Sam is a Yale student who goes to war to fight the British against his father’s wishes. Through the course of the book, many sufferings arise in Redding. Life gets tougher and the Meekers experience the hard reality of war. The authors are against war because they
Koushun Takami’s exhilarating novel, “Battle Royale”, is placed in takes place in an alternate world, in a continent called the Republic of Greater Asia. The Dictator every year will force a class of students to fight their friends to the death. At the beginning of the story, the protagonist Shuya, and his peers think they are being taken on a field trip, but are really gassed and then taken to an island off the coast of present day Japan. Upon waking up they are all greeted by a man by the name of Sakamochi. He then explains to them all that they will all be taking part in this years game. In the confusion Shuyas best friend, upon being outraged at the treatment of his foster mother, is shot and killed in front of all his peers. Another
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is an eye opening story of a teenager and his experiences in the war. Paul Bäumer is only nineteen when he is persuaded by his high school teacher, Kantorek, to participate in World War I. Paul went into the war expecting to be surrounded by nationalism and pride. After he arrived, he realized that he was very wrong. He witnesses many of the soldiers in his company die in front of his own eyes. Paul realizes that war changes a person and takes over their life. By the end of the book, Paul is the only surviver out of his friends. Paul dies before the end of the war.
After Johnny had killed a boy in self defense and went hiding here is a few things that had happened. In the book they didn´t know where Jay Mountain was so they
Jonathan appeals to pathos because he grabs our emotions by telling the stories of the kids in the low level schools. For example he mentions in the fourth paragraph that schools in Camden do not have windows, ceilings, or working fire alarms. These students are not only suffering financially but also physically because the can not even receive medical treatment. He really grabs our attention when he says that the neighboring area children are doing just fine, so these kids see how they are not worth the money to help keep them going when the other kids are.
• What are the characters’ emotions, attitudes, and behaviors? What do these indicate to the reader about the character?
shown throughout “The Writer in the Family” by utilizing symbolism. To Jonathan, it’s as if his
The story “Battle Royal”, by Ralph Ellison is about a young black man who has to overcome racial inequalities. The story opens with his grandfather dying words and leaving the family with words that stick with the main character for life. The main character, whose name in not mentioned, is very intelligent and because of this the prominent white businessmen ask him to give a speech at a hotel. Upon his arrival, the white men put him through many humiliating acts for their enjoyment. There is a boxing match and also an electric carpet, but the boy preservers through them all. At the end he is finally given a chance to deliver his speech. Although the men are being inattentive, the superintendent rewards the boy
, the characters in the story often show emotions whether it be externally or internally. The