
Chapter Summary Of 'The Fighting Ground'

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“The Fighting Ground” by Avi, it was a very interesting book it had been settled around the 1700s when there was many, many, many wars for freedom. The main character Jonathan was a boy who had fantasies of being a hero at war will soon go to only a small battle to see his day-dreams aren't real, and gets more than a little life lesson after it’s all over. In the book the fighting ground Jonathan shows many emotions and traits such as on page 8 it shows him as a layer after he lies to his mother by not telling her that his father didn't want him to go to the tavern. Or like on page 140 he shows child innocents and kindness by trying to save a group of Hessians that had kidnapped him. To explain some of the things that had been listed like talking about the main character being kidnapped or him lying there will be a short summary of the book/Jonathan’s actions. It all starts with Jonathan daydreaming …show more content…

Jonathan’s father tells him to go to their house to see if anyone came by to tell what is happening and to not go past the house Jonathan sorta tricks his mother into asking him to go to the tavern and Jonathan joins the militia they are making. The only important characters met in the march to the battle ground are two people a Frenchman and a friend of Jonathan's father. Time skip because nothing important is happening. Now, they are on the battlefield and the battle begins soon after. Jonathan shoots once hits no one gets scared and runs away and hides in a tree and falls asleep. Later, he wakes up and sees a group of Hessians. They only speak German. Jonathan thinks they know where he is (they didn’t they were going to give up on looking for him), so he jumps our screaming “don't shoot!”. Time skip because the group is just aimlessly walking. Jonathan Bonds with the youngest hessian. They hear a cow mooing, They follow the sound. They find a cabin and a shed.

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