
Chapter 9 Of Beyond Sovereignty Chapter 1 Analysis

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Chapter 9 of Beyond Sovereignty discusses the expansion of cyberspace and its response to globalization. Cyberattacks and other problems arise within cyberspace which can range from minor inconveniences to a national security problem. These attacks are dangerous because of the vastness of the Internet which makes it hard to pinpoint the exact motive of a hacker. Also, constantly evolving technology leads to new ways of infiltrating. Cyberattacks come in the form of hacking, virus-spreading, and information operations. As dependence of technology increases, more terrorist organizations use the Internet as a way to plan and carry operations. For example, in 2007, Estonia’s entire Internet infrastructure was attacked by the Russians. The denial-of-service …show more content…

Cyberattacks can range from instantaneous to time-delayed and staged in several waves. Attackers can often go as anonymous and can even frame other people. There are also no clear ways to figure out an attacker’s motive or if they are acting alone or as a group. Due to the open-nature of the Internet, it is easier to organize an attack rather than defend against one. Developed countries are also more prone to cyberattacks because of their heavy reliance on technology. Furthermore, many countries categorize cyberthreats as a law enforcement issue rather than a national security threat. This means they are more focused on a set trial and conviction based on criminal intent and a criminal act. Meanwhile, a national security threat can be dealt with based on the severity of the situation. Overall, there is no global consensus on how to effectively deal with …show more content…

Like real terrorists, cyberterrorists are politically motivated. They utilize vast information technology and networks to further their agendas and attack through communication, utilities, and airport systems. For example, the terrorist group called the Internet Black Tigers attacked the Sri Lankan government with “suicide e-mail bombings” in order to get their message and motive across. Cyber-based terrorist attacks have advantages over physical attacks because they are cheaper and don’t require an investment in weapons and can be plan and conducted anonymously. Even though there is an awareness to the severity of potential terrorist attacks, a very limited amount can be done to try to prevent them. Many things are not protected on the Internet and privacy-rights are a heavily debated issue that gets in the way of intrusive security measures. Cyberterrorism is a growing issue that is difficult to defend

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