The rapid merging of telecommunications and digital infrastructure is extremely beneficial to limit human error, collect data, and create a more interdependent world. However, this merge also poses threats on computers, servers, and even machinery. The influx of hackers and keyloggers are taking advantage of our increasingly interdependent world can steal information. Even countries are using the cyber domain as a separate battlefield to fulfill their missions and acquire information. Cyberwar is relatively a new term to describe: an Internet-based conflict involving politically motivated attacks on information and information systems. But the definition is constantly evolving with time and the more knowledge the public acquires about …show more content…
Before they are able to create these laws and regulations between countries there is a huge issue with classification. The problem with the issues that result from cyber warfare, and hacking within the cyber realm is that there is confusion within the public. In regards to what cyber warfare means, and what that means for society. To understand cyber warfare it is important to understand the distinction between a cyber attack and cyber warfare. A cyber attack is within the cyber domain with an objective of data theft, pranks, etc. While cyber warfare is still within the cyber domain, (they coexist in the same realm) but a cyber war is a state of armed conflict politically motivated with violent means — with violence, just like with regular conflict, with the regular war itself. However, this area of cyber warfare is not something we can measure or separate like borders of a state because it is not very tangible and it is a fairly new topic, so we don 't know the jurisdictions of it. There are so many questions regarding how to make sense of cyber warfare and an even more confusing legal conceptual of a cyber war to fit into the established law of war.
Since the growing number of cyberattacks, the United States created a separate command called the Cyber Command on June 23, 2009. The secretary of defense directed the commander of the US Strategic Command to establish a sub-unified command, US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). Full Operational Capability
The book “Conquest in Cyberspace” went in depth on the United States’, Russia’s, and China’s views on information warfare and cyber warfare. It also discussed the areas where their policies, guidance, and operations differ and are the same. One of the most interesting things which I noticed in the completion of this assignment is how the United States has the most well defined and in depth policies and governances regulating their information warfare and cyber warfare operations and how both China and Russia has taking the policies and governances created by the United States and mimicked them in the creation of their own policies and governances for information
With cyber war, nations are able to skip the battlefield. Gone are the days where troops line up across from each other hoping to do damage to the other. Clarke explains that people, industries, governments, companies and organizations can be possible targets and are vulnerable to these attacks. Keeping that in mind should help these targets become defensive minded and shield off attacks before they happen. As we all know, the prevention is better than the
The most recents detections of how cyber warfare is inevitably coming was the accusations of Russia hacking the the Democratic National Committee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email’s releasing damaging evidence against them which ultimately lead to Donald Trump being named the President of The United States (Diamond, 2016). The effects of cyber warfare have leaked over in to televise series, forming shows such as CSI cyber, and the gaming world, Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare. Neglect regarding cyber security can: undermine the reputation of both the government and elected officials; force unacceptable expenditures associated with the cost of cleaning up after security breaches; cripple governments' abilities to respond to a wide variety of homeland security emergency situations or recover from natural or man-made threats; and disable elected officials' ability to govern (Lohrmann, 2010). Classified information such as overseas operators and attacks, missile locations, response plans and weaknesses, and much more cripples America’s ability to defend itself from enemies both foreign and domestic. To combat cyber terrorism is the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, or CISA. In an article titled “Why Cybersecurity Information Sharing Is A Positive Step for Online Security” it is discussed that under CISA, the Department of Homeland security will have more responsibility for domestic cybersecurity. CISA’s fundamental purpose is to better enable cybersecurity information to be shared between the private and public sectors (2016). The sharing of threat information between public and private sectors can give the the United States a head start by allowing them to share information rapidly and more often to combat enemy threats while still providing safety for privacy and civil
In order to properly answer the question posed we must first define what cyber-war and cyber-terrorism are. The Oxford Dictionaries defines cyber-war as “The use of computer technology to disrupt the activities of a state or organization, especially the deliberate attacking of communication systems by another state or organization:” Although there is no dictionary definition of cyber-terrorism, The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has defined it as “the use of computer network tools to shut down critical national infrastructures (e.g., energy, transportation, government operations) or to coerce or intimidate a government or civilian population.” The author defines cyber terror as “the intimidation of civilian enterprise through the use of high technology to bring about political, religious, or ideological aims, actions that result in disabling or deleting critical infrastructure data or information.”
Today however, a new type of warfare has emerged and occurs when outside entities conduct an attack on a power grid, network, or both with the intent of causing damage. This type of warfare is called cyber warfare. In the United States computers control everything. It is no secret that hostile countries and terrorist organizations are cognizant and they know our economy, security, and infrastructure can be crippled by a successful cyber-attack. Examples of potential targets for cyber terrorists include military bases, water systems, banking facilities, air traffic control centers and power plants. Even the Commander in Chief, President Obama has stated the threat of a cyber war is real and we must prepare for it and increase our security measures. First, this paper will discuss cyberterrorism and cyber-attacks as they pose a direct threat to national security and the economy. Then, we will review cyber-attacks against the U.S. from China, Iran, and Russia along with the impact and possible ramifications from those attacks. Finally, this paper discusses U.S. strategies to minimize the impact of cyber-attacks.
The United States is under attack. To be exact, the nation’s power grid is under attack in the form of cyber warfare. On May 21st, 2013 Congressmen Edward J. Markey and Henry A Waxman published a report that provided the findings from information that they had requested from over 150 utility companies (of which 60% responded). More than a dozen utilities reported “daily, constant, or frequent attempted cyber-attacks” (Markey & Waxman) with one utility reporting that they have about 10,000 attempted attacks per month!
Clarke and Knake use a mixed method research approach in Cyber War to support their hypothesis that offensive prowess is meaningless without solid defense in cyberspace, and that the United States need immediately fix our defensive cyber shortfalls, or face apocalyptic doom. Specifically, the authors define ‘cyber war’ as “actions by a nation state to penetrate another nation’s computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption.” This infers that they are really talking about ‘warfare’ and
In order to provide a better conceptual understanding of the concept of cyber terrorism, consider the following definition by Czosseck and Geers (2009) as
Since the onset of the first packet switching event that many believe to be beginning of the internet, no other technology besides the printing press has ever transformed the ability to deliver information. Although the internet is used by a large percentage of the civilized world, few Americans realize how vital cyberspace is to our national infrastructure. Today, we are faced with even more threats although it has been a recognized problem since 2009, when President Barrack Obama said “The cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation. It’s also clear that we’re not as prepared as we should be, as a government or as a country (Obama, 2009).” Every industry that operates in the United States is dependent on the internet for some aspect of their business. Commerce, transportation, financial institutions, military, as well as industrial control systems are all interconnected. This interconnectedness has created vulnerabilities within their infrastructure that have increasingly become targets of terrorists, script kiddies, foreign governments and hackers of all types.
For thousands of years warfare remained relatively unchanged. While the tactics and weapons have changed as new methods of combat evolved, men and women or their weapons still had to meet at the same time and place in order to attack, defend, surrender or conquer. However, the advent of the of the internet has created a new realm of combat in which armies can remotely conduct surveillance, reconnaissance, espionage, and attacks from an ambiguous and space-less digital environment. Both state and non-state actors have already embraced this new realm and utilized both legal and illegal means to further facilitate their interests. What complicates cyber security further is as states attempt to protect themselves from cyber-warfare, private
The damage of a full-fledged cyber attack would be devastating, the destruction would be unparalleled to any other tragedy that has occurred America. Since technology is responsible for providing America with vital entities and resources, an unadulterated cyber attack would nearly fail the American economy; this is what is known as critical systems failure. Weapons of mass destruction and cyber attacks present imminent threats of critical systems failure. Although currently Americas’ critical infrastructures are coordinated by controlled systems, majority of these systems are indeed connected to the American cyberspace. This exposes one of America’s most vulnerable spot amidst cyber security. Another major vulnerable spot within the nations IT security would be the geographical physical location for each of Americas primary infrastructures, as well as their productivity. Due to the proximal locations, the major infrastructures could very well be infiltrated by one efficient CNA.
Before state sanctioned cyber-attacks against U.S. organizations, infrastructure, and government can be analyzed, the concepts and environment surrounding the issue must be explored. These concepts include the traditional theoretical views of war and armed conflict, the current definitions of cyber-warfare, and the relationship of armed conflict and law in the changing landscape of the twenty-first century. Many of these concepts are still actively debated today due to building and breaking of relationships, evolving nature of cyber warfare, and the dynamism phenomenon or state of the environment, which Daft (2016) defines as “stable or unstable, simple or complex” (p.146). In
Cyber warfare attacks can disable official websites and networks, disrupt or disable essential services, steal or alter classified data, and cripple financial systems -- among many other possibilities (definition of cyberwarfare) “.The Tech Target definition includes no reference of nation states. That is because cyber warfare has such a low barrier to entry, a teenager can effectively shut down or damage thousands or millions of dollars of digital infrastructure, something that a real world counterpart would take years to plan, would take weeks, and the only tools needed are a mouse, keyboard, and some type of motivation. Cyber warfare is constantly evolving, constantly becoming more of a threat and is, in fact, being employed right now as this sentence is being read.
Cyber Terrorism is an attack executed by Cyber Terrorists via information systems to significantly interfere with the political, social or economic functioning of a groups or organizations of a nation or induces physical violence and creates panic. We define hackers as individuals who wish to access, modify data, files and resources without having the necessary authorization to do so, and/or wish to block services to authorized users. Cyber Terrorists are individuals or groups to utilize computer and networking technologies to terrorize. In this paper, we study the behavior of two groups of hackers: Cyber Terrorists and Common Hackers. Cyber Terrorism and Cyber Terrorists is generally considered classified information which cannot be released to the public, we can usually only interfere that Cyber Terrorism and Cyber Terrorists exits. However in 2010 federal bureau of investigation chief, Robert Mueller, told an RSA conference of computer security professionals, “The Cyber Terrorism threat is real and rapidly expanding”. He indicated that terrorists have shown a clear interest in hacking skills and combining real attacks with Cyber-attacks. [8]
To address the increasing threats to national security coming from the cyber domain, military intelligence corps have recognized the need for officers trained in cyberspace counterterrorism techniques, technologies, and methods. These officers direct and conduct integrated electronic warfare, information technology, and cyberspace operations, as authorized or directed, to ensure freedom of action in and through cyberspace and the information environment, and to deny the same to our nation 's adversaries.