
Chapter 14: What Are Four Strategies For Healthy Aging?

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From Chapter 14, what are two strategies for healthy aging? In Chapter 14 there are four strategies for healthy aging. Initially, one must develop and maintain healthy relationships. Secondly, enhance the spiritual side of life. Lastly, one may improve their fitness and eat healthy foods that provide certain nutrients to prolong one’s life. 2. What are 2 options of exercise recommendations for Adults over Age 65? There are actually 3options of exercise recommendations for Adults over the Age of 65. Option 1 includes moderate-intensity aerobic activities for at least 2 hours and 30 minutes every week and muscle strengthening activities on all the major muscle groups, for at least 2 days out of the whole week. Option 2 includes vigorous-intensity aerobic activities at least 1 …show more content…

What are 3 factors that influence body image? There are 3 factors that influence our body image. One factor that influences our body image is the media and popular culture. Another factor that influences our body image is our family, community, and cultural groups. The third factor that influences our body image is Physiological and psychological. 7. What is the difference between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa? The difference between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa includes Bulimia Nervosa involving an individual consuming a huge amount of food and then engaging in purging, vomiting, taking laxatives or exercising excessively to lose the calories consumed while Anorexia Nervosa involves an individual restricting themselves from consuming any type of meal. 8. List at least 5 steps you can take to help someone with disordered eating. There are a series of steps you can take to help someone with disordered eating. Initially, learn as much as you can about the disorder. Most importantly know the difference between the myths and facts involving the disorder. In addition, compliment their personality, success or accomplishments. Likewise be a good role model and if necessary tell

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