
Chapter 1: A Case Study Of Eileen Donahue's Nichole

Decent Essays

ONE After staring in the mirror for a fraction of a second too long, Eileen Donahue decided she was going to kill her husband. Petty theft had kept her eyes their pretty green color, and cheating on a past boyfriend had given her a decent nose, but this was in no way sufficient for Eileen. She was not stoic enough to bear the burden of mediocrity, of having too-close eyes and teeth tinged yellow, and she also lacked the mental strength (not to mention the moral compass) to be one of the Uglies––the people who were incomparably good, who had their angelic acts etched concretely into their almost inhumanly hideous faces. Eileen knew exactly what she had to do, the suffering that she would have to inflict in order to reach a state of lasting happiness––after all, she …show more content…

In an almost trancelike state, she pulled open the knife drawer and surveyed the array of blades in front of her before picking up the largest and sharpest-looking of the bunch. She turned the knife over in her hands and traced the edge of the blade with her fingertips; satisfied, she tucked the knife into the waistband of her skirt and lay it flat against the small of her back. Then she went to wake up her husband. …show more content…

Eileen tried to smile at him, tried to ward off the insecurity and jealousy that clouded her mind every time she was reminded of his almost perfect face. Slowly, she inched her hand behind her back and clutched the handle of her knife reassuringly. A few moments of stillness passed, with Eileen trying to build up the courage to walk up to her husband and stab him in the heart, before she noticed the gun her husband held in his right hand and the finger he had curled lazily around the

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