
Challenges Of Living With A. Dd

Decent Essays

A.D.D means Attention Deficit Disorder which is a condition where you have difficulty focusing. More than 3 million people suffer from it in the United States every year. Living with A.D.D is a challenge but at the same time it’s not. I would say it’s a challenge because I tend to not get my work done on time, get overwhelmed and not fully understanding what I’m doing. I was diagnosed with A.D.D in fourth grade because I was getting bad grades and my teacher kept complaining that I was never in my seat. My mom decided that I should be tested; at first they thought I had A.D.H.D (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) but it turned out I didn’t have that. When I got diagnosed with A.D.D, my mom and my doctor started me on medication to help me focus better and it helped me focus better but when it comes to medication it comes with side effects. The first round of medication I was on the side effects were I wouldn’t eat, I was very moody and I would sleep a lot and get very frustrated easily and break down. My mom and grandmother …show more content…

When I have a lot of something to do I get overwhelmed because I know I need to get that done but I can’t cause I’ll be something that I really want to do. When I get overwhelmed I shut down but it normally happens if I have too many things going on at once and I’m trying to be superwoman and multitask knowing I can’t. When I don’t understand what’s going on or what I’m supposed to be doing especially in school. When I don’t understand something I get frustrated and give up. I don’t like asking questions because I feel like I’ll just make me mad. My mom always get frustrated with me because she’ll ask me about homework and stuff and I’ll tell her that I gave up on it cause it made me mad and didn’t understand it. Also, if I don’t understand I will distract myself by playing with something I have near

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