
Challenge Of Senses In The Distorted Perception

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This challenge of senses which was given to us was both enlightening and somewhat deceptive. Sometimes we see things and we don’t know what they mean, or we put odd foods together and they surprisingly end up tasting appetizing. This challenge provided insightful information that was used as a tool to better learn about our body.
I am always intrigued by new findings when it comes to psychology. After taking this challenge, I was surprised to find out that the brain could be deceiving, or rather deceived. In the Optical Illusion challenge, it was hard to make the lines equal in size as the brain misinterpreted is seen on screen, according to Latham (2007). I have seen some illusions that make you look at the screen for a specific amount of time, then look up, causing vision to change in a way for a couple of seconds and it is interesting to see this extremely function part of our body, the brain, to sometimes make mistakes as well. …show more content…

In the Distorted Perspective task, the illusion was confusing as the dimensions of the rooms were disproportional, however, I learned that “The back wall of the room is higher on the right… This means, whoever stands on the right seems smaller… [which] makes it difficult to judge King Kong and Godzilla’s real size” Latham (2007). Additionally, it was interesting to discover that the brain is used to reading letters in a word, that it tries to ignore other aspects of the word, which is the brain takes longer to process the color of the word Latham (2007). I was amazed to discover that pineapple and soy sauce could even be edible. This turns out to be due to the fact that they share flavor chemicals Latham

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