The assessor must adhere to the centre’s equal opportunities, equality and diversity policy at all times when assessing learners. Every effort should be made to avoid discriminatory practices. Particular assessment requirements of learners must be identified and met where possible. This is to ensure learners with particular requirements have access to appropriate materials/equipment/facilities to support them. Assessment must be made available to all those who have the potential to achieve the standards. Learners should be presented with the disputes and appeals procedure and equal opportunities statement at induction. Learners should know where and what the policy and practice is. There should be equality in terms of gender, age, racial origin,
With this in mind all tutors should be mindful and uphold the basics set out in The Equality Act 2010, which ultimately protects the rights and equality of all individuals, prohibiting victimization.
The assessor should record their assessment decision with the criteria met clearly identified. The assessor should follow procedure with regards to making this information available to authorised colleagues and should maintain confidentiality.
1.1 Explain Models of practices that underpin equality, and diversity and inclusions in own area of responsibility.
. Any punishment or treatment for behavior issues must not be 'inhuman or degrading'. It must be suitable taking into account what the child has done.
• Failing to meet the requirements of any relevant assessment strategy if assessing a qualification
The Office for Equity and Diversity (OED) is eager to launch our first-ever Student Emergency Fund. OED primarily serves minority, first generation, and low-income students. Some of these students face many obstacles while pursuing higher education. These obstacles include lack of resources, obligations to family, unstable living conditions, loss of scholarship, unaffordable tuition, etc. Facing these types of adversities leaves our students vulnerable to unexpected emergencies endangering their college career. This Student Emergency Fund serves to support our students in their time of need and allows them time to recover from their financial
Explain legal issues, policies and procedures relevant to assessment, including those for confidentiality, health, safety and welfare
This paper will critically analyze the approach taken by the courts to apply the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 in cases where the protection is given to religious and other beliefs conflicts with the protection rights of others.
When planning assessments you will need to take a holistic approach, you will need to make sure assessment is specific to a qualification, it needs to be clear and relevant to the topic being taught. The assessment also needs to be measurable, you will need to be able to give a pass/fail or grade on any assessment given and show any areas not covered during the training. Assessment and to be achievable, the level of difficulty needs to match the candidates being assessed as well as the importance of the qualification, four example children would possibly need easier assessments, but assessments concerning life-saving need to have a relative difficulties so the assessor knows that the learner could react in a real life situation. Realistic assessment, this is important when it comes to transferring skills learnt in the classroom to a real life situation, they need to be as real as possible where they can, Four example manikins used in CPR with given scenarios from real life case studies. And finally assessments need to be time bound, assessment dates and times are agreed, this is to incorporate preparation time (Not too much – not too little).
Equality and Diversity Act (2010) is another important legislation which is linked to every LLUK standard. In my opinion, knowing and understanding the Equality and Diversity Act is crucial for me as a teacher in order to assess every learners needs and to meet these needs. It is not easy to treat all my students equally, especially if they are different nationalities, different races, different backgrounds and maybe with disabilities. But, with the initial assessment rrrr,,,, and choosing the right learning strategies and resources I’m sure I’ll be able to meet every learners needs. In order to succeed in meeting all my learners’ needs, I’ll use group tasks; I’ll differentiate them according to their level of knowledge, their learning styles, and by their disability if this is applicable without letting them feel discriminated.
The functionality of centre IQA’s, although varying slightly, will monitor key aspects of the assessment process born from basic principles that are upheld throughout. The IQA’s role, therefore, needs to be consistent, reliable and fair supporting candidates and assessors ensuring the assessments are valid, authentic current and sufficient (VACS) matching the NOS as described by the Sector Skills Council (SSC). The IQA has direct influence on the performance of delivery and assessment teams. ‘Good IQA’s can spot areas for improvements long before they become a problem.’ Pg 191 The Vocational Assessors Handbook.
Before the Equality Act 2010 things like sexual discrimination or equal pay were covered by different tippers of law as which sex discrimination Act 1975, or equal pay Act1 970; regulated under the EU in 2003 and put in the equality act 2010.
With all of the activities carried our by the learner (with or without the assessor) the assessor needs to make decisions on the learner's competence in relation to the requirements of the qualification. The assessor should make their judgements of success or not and provide constructive feedback to the learner in a way that best suits the individual. If any further action is necessary for the completion of the qualification criteria (i.e. more training, description of knowledge or other evidence of ability) then a further plan should be agreed to achieve this. All such information discussed and agreed should be recorded appropriately at each stage.
The assessor needs to gather information that is personal from the learner in order to adapt and provide special needs that they might have. Also the assessor will need to treat all learners equally, ensuring that equality and diversity issue are met. Once this information has been gained, the assessor can then produce an action plan for the learner which is both realistic and achievable so they are comfortable to achieve the best possible results.
Discussions about gender and race equality are a big part of our daily lives; however, the fact that this is even a discussion might be a problem in itself. Woman or man, black, white or yellow, were words conjured up by scientists to classify species just as german shepherd and poodle were. They were not meant to be used as a way to label people in society, with regards to who they are or what they do. Labels and categories were meant for food, utensils, and lab settings, not for people in society. So why is it that from a young age we are taught that there is a separate bathroom for men and women, that most guys are attracted to girls and girls to guys, that blue is for boys and pink is for girls, that anyone that has a different shaped