
Ms. Coleman's Nine Protected Characteristics Of The Equality Act 2010

Decent Essays

Before the Equality Act 2010 things like sexual discrimination or equal pay were covered by different tippers of law as which sex discrimination Act 1975, or equal pay Act1 970; regulated under the EU in 2003 and put in the equality act 2010.
Such Act bans unfair treatment and helps to have the right to equal opportunities in the workplace and in wider society. The act also covers nine protected characteristics, which are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Reuniting all these characteristics in one Act makes it simpler to understand and to use; if people with this features are suffering from direct and indirect discrimination, …show more content…

Ms. Coleman brought a case claiming that she was targeted because she has a child with a disability, and was denied flexible work arrangements offered to her colleagues without disabled children and ask to leave her job. When her case was brought to the tribunal, this one used the Disability Discrimination Act 1994/2004 and the Equality act 2010 so that the decision was that Ms. Coleman's won saying that the UK's disability discrimination law provides protection on the grounds of someone's association, including caring responsibilities, with a disabled person. …show more content…

The protection of the equal pay goes anther s66 of the EA2010, saying that in every contract, female or male, there as to be an equality clause; trying to protect a person that has a less favourable contract than a someone having that same position of the opposite sex. Avoiding that that there are this different tips of contracts.
Many times the discrimination between the equal pay in connected with the sex discrimination, saying that is more often to find a woman to be discriminated on the ground of equal pay than a men; like recently, came out the issue that many actresses in Hollywood, are not as paid as men’s doing the same job. Or like the huge case of the female Birmingham council workers, that they were doing the same work like their male colleagues but not being equally paid. So they went to the employment tribunal and they won, having to make the council to pay 200m. Of course, during the tribunal their contract were examined and the equal Act 2010 under the equal discrimination section were used to point their discrimination.

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