
Causes Of Vladimir Lenin

Decent Essays

Vladimir Lenin was a Marxian idealist who devoted the majority of his adult life to bringing about a Socialist state in Russia. His years committed to the cause would culminate in the October Revolution of 1917, during which the Lenin-led Bolshevik party would seize upon a weakened political regime and institute themselves as the ruling authority of Russia. With Lenin leading the Bolshevik party, eager to usher in the doctrine he had faithfully subscribed to and expounded upon for decades, his dream of a Russian Socialist state was now a humbling yet exciting reality. How, then, did such a Marxian purist fall well short of the utopian vision promised by his political ideology? Lenin’s inability to successfully implement the policies which would bring about the ever-elusive socialist utopia can be directly attributed to a variety of factors stemming from three root causes. The first, and most damning, predictor of imminent failure was that, though Russia was ripe for revolution at the time of the Bolshevik takeover, the economy of Russia was not yet ripe for the implementation of Socialist ideals and practices. The second and third root causes of Lenin’s ultimate failure are byproducts of the issues that arose from the initial root cause just stated. Due to the impracticality of full-scale implementation of Socialist policies in Russia at the time, Lenin made the reprehensible, though practical, choice to utilize dictatorial tactics of repression and force, often by way of

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