
What Was The Main Cause Of The Bolshevik Revolution

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In 1917 Russia was the most populous country and also the largest in the entire world yet, Russia's government was facing many problems that needed to be resolved such as a shortage of food and fuel.At this time, Russia was also only starting the process of industrialization when it had entered into World War One, both of these and demand some kind of change from it. The Tsarist government started to collapse and the entire country was ready for some kind of change. The Russian government could not fix any of these problems and this made the people want change.Two causes of the Bolshevik revolution were, food and fuel shortages coupled with World War One going very poorly for Russia

The first event that sparked the Bolshevik revolution was that World War One was going very poorly for an industrializing Russia. Almost two million people were killed during the war against more industrialized countries, whom Russia was bound to face many casualties against. Firstly, only the soldiers who fought in the front lines of the war were the …show more content…

To start, people rallied and protested, welcoming revolution to the Russian government who had yet to fix the food and fuel shortages, among many other problems such as, poor working conditions, low pay, extremely long hours for factory workers and their own soldiers deserting the front lines of war. Food shortages and unfair conditions for workers, are what mainly causes the citizens to revolt and lose all of the faith they had left in their government and want some sort of change, and they wanted it extremely fast. Then, all of this came when the Tsar stepped down and a temporary government was set up in his place. All of this contributed to the Bolshevik revolution by making the government less powerful. When the government was still only temporary the Bolsheviks stormed the palace and were easily able to take over in a coup

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