
Causes Of Poverty In Africa

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Majority of the families in Africa are unable to afford school tuition in higher and basic education, in some countries like my home country Rwanda public high schools are free tuition, but there are still many families who cannot afford school accessories such as books, uniforms, and food as primarily needs for their children to go to school. The big part of Africans remains uneducated and lives under poverty due to lack of access to basic education.

Africa is plagued with more life-threatening diseases than any others continent, such as HIV AIDS, Ebola and malaria to name a few. With huge numbers of people dying from those diseases every year and millions of its citizens affected by HIV. And healthcare has affected due to the increase of poverty. Many African families cannot afford health insurance because of low income. People end up selling their properties to pay medical treatments, those families always end up in an extreme poverty.

African governments will have to go off the limits to find solutions for poverty here. Despite debates on causes and solutions of Africa`s poverty, there are no specific set of solutions have been developed for it. Poverty is not just the lack of money; Also, it is because people cannot afford basic living needs, they have unpredictable and they cannot plan for their future. But there are some measures and solution that can be taken for Africa`s poverty.

Corruption has been identified as one of the main causes of poverty in Africa.

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